Recent content by DeafPoints

  1. D

    Deafpoints is Legal?

    For INDIRECT related, I can aruged for this point. Only you will become victim is when YOU decide to volunteer give your personal information to 3rd party which is not affilated with DeafPoints. Such as mishandle--For example: You got mail from credit card statements and throw in trash...
  2. D

    Deafpoints is Legal?

    Let's put in that way. Your refine is wrong. Better way to say.. Is DeafPoints worth it? and, it's still pre-launch. Otherwise, what you said is possible being defamation. Thanks
  3. D

    Deafpoints is Legal?

    To answer your question. 1. DeafPoints is NOT affilated or contractor with any VRS providers. Again, DeafPoints is not a VRS provider. 2. or once you registered and it will ask for double opt-in processing. 3. It's a marketing...
  4. D

    Deafpoints is Legal?

    In that case you quote "if it sounds to good to be true" usually it cases if it's related to make money or MLM--- which often related to money frauds, etc. for perfect example. DeafPoints never asks for your money. Zip zero! I bet you have been...
  5. D

    Deafpoints is Legal?

    We don't sell or rent your email. If that's what you are worry about.
  6. D

    Deafpoints is Legal?

    1. It's not just one thing you will get points. There are 4 ways to earn points. 2. We never sell customer lists to anyone.. EVER! 3. None.
  7. D

    Hello from New Deaf Biz

    Cool.. as of right now, Weather is nice. Not too cold or too hot. (I know it's not summer yet). I'm looking into Sedona for little adventures. Any1 knew more about Sedona?
  8. D

    What is your average hours you spend on VRS?

    Vrs Have you thought of it when you make lot of calling to VRS and did they give something back to you? Speaking of DeafPoints issue... Suppose, 5 hours a week for a year... You would get about 14,400 points. It would be enough get about $100.00 value of rewards. That's a few times...
  9. D

    Hello from New Deaf Biz

    That's nice to know! I was wondering if anyone of you get email from alldeaf about deafpoints information?
  10. D

    Hello from New Deaf Biz

    I would like to thank everybody for offer a warm welcome me here! My guess I'm only one Arizona here. I presume wrong?
  11. D

    Sorenson VP200

    Wow. I never thought of that Screen Saver said "1 missing call" what a neat concept! I have seen on my computers.. but VP?
  12. D

    Hello from New Deaf Biz

    Hello, This is Benjamin. I have been to alldeaf before and talking to Alex sometimes recently. Anyway.. I have decided to register myself new DeafPoints here to make simliar as biz. Right now, I will keep this short about deaf biz. Let's try to make more personal...