Recent content by DeafBug

  1. DeafBug

    Subtitles on widescreen movies

    You are probably thinking of the LCD TVs in SD format when the TV is a flat screen but not in widescreen format. Those TVs are being hard to find now. 5 years ago, they were seen in stores. Today, you don't.
  2. DeafBug

    Subtitles on widescreen movies

    It turns out to be the DVD player. It may not recognize the movie for anamorphic widescreen format. The player is only a few months old as we got it on Black Friday last year. I have another DVD player in the bedroom with the HDTV. After playing around with both DVD players and HDTV. I...
  3. DeafBug

    Subtitles on widescreen movies

    I will disagree with you. Even the latest movies that advertise in widescreen on the box such as 2012 are still in old school format.
  4. DeafBug

    Subtitles on widescreen movies

    It is just me or am I missing something? I got several DVD movies from Redbox and the last one I watched was 2012. I did notice some sort of a pattern and I kinda hate it. If you get a widescreen DVD movie, there are two kinds depending on how the manufacture does it. First is where the DVD...
  5. DeafBug

    I need help to pick best Range Router.

    I have the DIR-655 and firmware 1.32NA with VP-200. What are the port forwarding numbers that you set up as? I was told to uncheck "Enabled SLI" I am not quite comfortable about it leaving that off. Thanks. (sorry for digging up an old post)
  6. DeafBug

    Purple Netbook unleashed

    Just a question? Can you replace the 16GB SSD with a larger HDD such as 120GB? I am not sure about the connectors and size interchangeability. The reason I ask is that I did a little homework and I found plenty netbooks out there a large drive as high as 160GB but they are HDD versions, not...