Recent content by Darrick Horton

  1. D

    How Do I Communicate With People Who Can Hear??

    I really want to learn speechreading. I have some residual hearing left, so speechreading is a very viable option for me. I am having a VERY hard time finding classes for it though. Any ideas?
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  3. D

    How Do I Communicate With People Who Can Hear??

    Thanks for your help guys! I just bought an 8.5" x 11" dry erase board. I have been using my phone pretty frequently as well. I think I am going to get some business cards that just have a really stylized version of "I'm deaf" in big letters.. that sounds fun:D Also, that boogie board thing...
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    How Do I Communicate With People Who Can Hear??

    Hey guys, I am really new to this not-being-able-to-hear thing.. I got in an accident that severely damaged one of ears and I had a tumor on my hearing nerve on the other side. The tumor side is completely deaf and the accident side fluctuates. Some days I can hear fine with it and other days...