Recent content by Cati

  1. C

    Music as audist?

    Wirelessly posted I'm oral deaf myself... Been played violin for 3 yrs n cello for 4 yrs in town of Bourne, ma. Since in the late 70's until 86's during middle school though high school the only deaf play ever since even have cape cod orchtera's record right in my bedroom closet...... Even...
  2. C

    Biggest Bullshitter?

    Wirelessly posted Lolz u sound like both of 2 oldest kids punkasses gothic kids even they bullshit each other 24/7 lolz *hummmmm* kids... Cut that bull shit before I'll whack both heads together, for using damn cat fucker between them, gay, n lesbians shit on textin each other...... Welcome...
  3. C

    Biggest Bullshitter?

    Wirelessly posted You got one right we all are the biggest bullshit, lolz meow from cati
  4. C

    Who is single here?

    Wirelessly posted Lolz lolz u sound like my 14 yr old son who love tom Brady lolz
  5. C

    Who is single here?

    Wirelessly posted I've been divoiced n single since April 2010. Still have no man in my life except for my kids, lolz