Recent content by bethmeg

  1. B

    Illusion of Terrorism

    Don't forget that we terrorized them first before they terrorized us How true!! Risk to real terrorist attack is minimal, but the governemts want us to believe it's far greater. Most muslims are law abiding decent people, the governements and media choose to highlight and enhance threats...why...
  2. B

    Whein life deals a rotten hand

    When life deals a rotten hand I wasn’t born deaf, I had normal hearing and eyesight, as a child I didn’t even know deaf people existed, though I’d seen a blind person before. My parents took us travelling round the world, living a privileged life, meeting famous people, doing amazing things. I...
  3. B

    Who is single here?

    Why do I get the feeling I'm probibly older than all of you guys here :giggle: I've been divorced almost 8 years, I'm pretty happy being single most of the time and have a great bunch of kids to keep me busy. I think I'm a wuzz picking guys, have had two relationships since I got divorced...
  4. B

    Hello in need of opinions

    Thank you all so much for the welcome :D and thank you for the comments :wave: Whisper congratulations on your baby, you sound like a wonderful mummy :D Your baby picture is beautiful too pepsi :D Debbie I greatly appriciate your wisdom and you think pretty much the same way as I do:giggle...
  5. B

    Hello in need of opinions

    Hello guys I'm new to this forum and look forward to joining in :D I really wanted to ask your opinions on something. I'm profoundly deaf with some sight problems and post in some other forums. I find laughter and self mockery is a good way of coping with restricted abilities (I prefer...