Recent content by AzerPhyre

  1. AzerPhyre

    Children with body-pieces/tattoos

    Myself, I paid for all my body modifications, my parents weren't too happy about my descision to get the piercings, but, they figured that if taken out, they almost always heal completely (as long as you take proper steps, IE: daily cleaning). As for the tattoos', I find the best tattoos are the...
  2. AzerPhyre

    Vegetarian/vegan children

  3. AzerPhyre

    Experts Say Case May Help Parents Talk To Teens

    Thirteen year old girls are todays most sought-after demographic. With pictures of "beautiful people" being thrown at them through magazines, television, the internet and so on, you can't be amazed how insecure they are. Pre-teens and teens are just discovering themselves. Believe it or not...
  4. AzerPhyre

    Children with body-pieces/tattoos

    I am fifteen and I currently have 4 piercings, 2 stretchings, and 3 tattoos. Now, I know most of you think that underage tattooing is moronic, and same with most piercings, but hear me out first. My three tattoos that I have are a small cross on my nape with the date of my baptism on it...