Recent content by amdd97

  1. amdd97

    Financial Aid for Hearing Aids?

    Yeah it's not great. My school is super small and doesn't have a lot of people who have disables. The dorms don't even have elevators bc they're so old, so it's not a disability friendly school.
  2. amdd97

    Financial Aid for Hearing Aids?

    Ok, I will totally get on that!
  3. amdd97

    Financial Aid for Hearing Aids?

    My school doesn't provide FM systems(they're not very disabled friendly-it's very frustrating) and it doesn't make sense for just one ear. I'll check out vocational rehabilitation, again thank you for all help!
  4. amdd97

    Financial Aid for Hearing Aids?

    Awesome, thanks so much!!
  5. amdd97

    Financial Aid for Hearing Aids?

    Hey so I'm Annemarie and I'm been hard of hearing in my left ear since I was born. I stopped wearing my hearing aid in middle school for various reasons, but now I am in college and I am having a hard time hearing teachers, students, etc. I was wondering if any of ya'll know if there are some...