Recent content by amanda

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    anyone here have eating disorder?

    I am justing wondering if anyone here has aeating disordern I am anorexic and bulimic in the last week I have hardly eaten anything and am getting worse don't know how to stop if anyone is able to give me advice I'd like to here it amanda
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    Flu shots

    Do your research I know what I'm talking about You think I'm a weirdo ??? TRy this did you know that the flu shots vacs are created out of chicken eggs in the ameotic fluid The infect a fresh egg with the flu and then before the egg is hatched some weeks later they break it open and harvest...
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    Flu shots

    I would never consirder the shot again I got the flu shot in 2001 and got Gullain Barre syndrome from it It paralazied me fromt he neck down and put me on a vent for 3 weeks almost ended up trached permently I almost died Now I can't have the flu shot ever again because I can get it again it...
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    what went wrong?

    Hi Guys Just a quick question my hearing seems to have gotten worse all of the sudden though some of it was very gradual I have no fluid in my ear or infection sinus problems or colds the last few months my hearing got worse with HA's and I have the highest on the market Summo Dm in both ears...
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    Made a decision CI friendly

    Hi guys , I wrote a thread a couple of days ago called need help deciding . As of today I have made a decision . and it wasn't based on all the research I did . I went to the audie tonight cause My hearing it seems has gotten worse . The test results came back (hearing test) and now I am 100%...
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    need help deciding

    Hi I"m thinking of CIbut don't really have enough info other then how activation goes and the surgery How long does it take for activation and can they do one ear ata time I currently wear digital HA but they don't help much the person I live with is getting frustrated with repeating herself all...
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    people tired of repeating themselves

    I just moved in with a friend I've known for eight years . When I lived here before I didn't have the degree of hearing lossI have now which is 100% in l ear and 90%in r ear . I can't hear with out hearing aides . My daily ritutal is to put them on first thing in the morning cuz my friend hates...
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    can ear infections cause damage?

    Hi , I don't know if any of you know the answer to what I'm going to ask . But I've been hard of hearing since I had menagitist at 1 month of age . I am completly deaf in my left ear but only had 30% hearing loss in my right . Two years ago I had a terrible ear infection in my right ear ...
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    new here

    Hi my name is amanda. I have been hard of hearing all my life . Slowly going deaf .The only way I can hear anything is with hearing aides and sometimes the people I live with get frustrated with re peating themselves all the time . I don't consirder my deafness a disability rather a gift . I...