Recent content by airmansgirl

  1. airmansgirl


    Haha- well thanks for the complimant... I'm going to maybe be posting some more pictures so if you guys wanna look go ahead!
  2. airmansgirl


    wow- sorry they are so big!
  3. airmansgirl


    Here are only a few of mainly my edited pictures- I'll be back with more that I took after class tonight!
  4. airmansgirl


    Hey People! I'm into photography and I was wondering who else was into it.. I thought maybe we could share some of our pictures. I'm more into kids and still photos. I also like editing them.. so anyways.. I'll be back soon with some of my own pictures. And I would love it if others would post...
  5. airmansgirl

    Lots of Help Needed

    Ok- so this helps but my fiance still wants to know: What if you have to be secretive about it? Everyone knows how to sign the letters so you are going to be telling everyone what letters and everything.. I don't know- I agree with Ya'll but he thinks it is weird!
  6. airmansgirl

    Lots of Help Needed

    ok- this is what I needed to know- thanks so very much!
  7. airmansgirl

    Lots of Help Needed

    Ok- so I looked at that and it tells me like about the flags and morse code and everything but nothing about signing it.. see here is my dilema... You see, in the military you have to learn the phanetic alphabet ( A-Alpha, B- Bravo....) I was wondering how would you sign that? I mean if you had...
  8. airmansgirl

    Lots of Help Needed

    I'm trying to figure out how to sign the military phonetic alphabet.. if anyone has an idea please let me know.. thanks!