Recent content by 66dude

  1. 6

    Sorenson vs ZVRS

    A Sorenson rep called me on my Z340 and offered me to port back to Sorenson (I ported the number to ZVRS in May of 2010). When I told him that I rather stay with ZVRS, he offered me an iPad 2. When I still told him no, he offered me a laptop computer AND an iPad 2. When I still told him no...
  2. 6

    Sorenson vs ZVRS

    I still think that ZVRS is champ. However, I noticed that whenever a hearing or hard of hearing person calls me, they are somehow put on hold while ZVRS calls me. Whenever I answer, I then get put on hold while the next available interpreter is ready to take my call. This is new to me...
  3. 6

    HTC Thunderbolt

    I can confirm that Z4 Mobile worked flawlessly on the Thunderbolt.
  4. 6

    Sorenson Ntouch

    Yeah, well I am technologically savvy. I don't need a babysitter coming in and effing up my computer with this nTouch crap. Sorry, but I prefer to do it myself. No hearing-to-deaf VM, no phone-less VCO, separate phone number for the nTouch are all turn-offs for me. Glad to hear a lot of you...
  5. 6

    Z4 Mobile for Samsung Epic!!

    Are you a paid salesperson for MainstreamVRS? And why the all caps? We may be deaf but we can still read, you know?
  6. 6

    Call your Deaf friends for *FREE* with CLOUD-to-CLOUD!

    I won't try IWRELAY until they add single-line VCO (like ZVRS's VCO+).
  7. 6

    MainstreamVRS for Android phone

    What? :giggle:
  8. 6

    MainstreamVRS for Android phone

    Z4 can do P2P.
  9. 6

    Go iwrelay web VRS CLOUD! Thx

    Sorry, but until IWRelay has one-line VCO, I just won't use it. ZVRS is the only VRS provider with one-line VCO.
  10. 6

    MainstreamVRS for Android phone

    I bet she works for Sprint! :)
  11. 6

    Sorenson VRS is coming to Britain?

    Meh. More ways for Sorenson to fleece the consumers.
  12. 6

    The VRS Industry - A realistic look at the 'failure of communication'

    I haven't used Sorenson in such a long time, and I have no plans to go back because of all the fleecing going on.
  13. 6

    ZVRS said NO to Z4 on HTC EVO!!

    The truth is what he wants to hear whether it's right or wrong! :giggle: On a more serious note, download the app from the other VRS provider on your HTC EVO 4G and use the app to call ZVRS. BAM! Problem solved!
  14. 6

    Pumple and FCC decree

    OK, why do you call them "Pumple"?