Newbie needs volunteers

Don't you think that it would be a good idea for you to work with one or two ASL students to work on the video interpretations so that you or another ASL students can sign the interpretation about the topic you and the ASL students decide to pick? I don't know why you have to ask us for the video interpretations just because we are Deaf and Hard Of Hearing. You have to fend for yourself to find someone in person to work with you on this. You are picking the wrong forum to do that. So I am sorry that we can not help you. :wave:

I am not supposed to interpret it myself. I am supposed to get a native signer to sign it. It is meant for us to see how Deaf/deaf/HOH think more visually and how their interpretations differ from the hearing.

I AM NOT JUST TRYING TO USE ANYONE TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE AN AWESOME SIGNER... my teacher already knows that I am not! I feel like it would be like plagiarism to do that! The teacher already understands my signing ability from the class, there is no way I could use your interpretation to make me look like an awesome signer overnight! Honestly we are all supposed to find native signers of different ages and areas to be able to show we have an understanding of what we have discussed in class. Using this video I will write a paper showing I have an understanding of the ASL language and it's structure (or that I do not have an understanding, hopefully the former though).
I'd better have my white sharkskin suit dry cleaned. It's Academy Award time! :dance2:
I'd help, but I'm afraid that I'm not exactly a native ASL user. I'm strongly PSE/SEE and you'd make fun of my super duper SEE skills.
Airplane Lands on Jeep on Freeway (405: The Movie) - YouTube

Please watch more than once, but no more than 3 times. I just want to see different interpretations that people give, not necessary to be exact. Its more natural that way.

Thanks for the suggestions.

I have already look at the video in another thread and all I see is that he was expressing his emotions just exactly what we had use for our emotions like mime. The old woman is the only one using the middle finger at him passing him ahead. You don't need ASL to interpret. The video speak a whole language all by itself. I love silent films and it does tell a story without words except to write down what the person said on the screen. You get the picture of understanding what happen and why the plane land on the highway on top of his car. You don't need words at all to put on the screen. Thank heaven, he was safe and no harm came to him and neither the old woman. No interpretations here. :roll:
Sorry I am confused by what you mean, would you like to know my teachers name?

Marika Kovacs-Houlihan

Great! As I said, let's see if someone in Milwaukee who knows her can find out about this. :)
LOL... wow... I do enjoy all the interaction here!!

I do not mean to be secretive, I am sorry, my teacher just specifically told me not to say too much because she didnt want the video to be specified in any certain direction....

I am not getting releases from anyone, it isn't necessary if they are voluntarily participating, plus I am not using the video to publish it in any way. The use is only for this class for this assignment.

I am sorry for anybody that has wrongly used this forum in the past, but I am not looking to do so.

I can send you the syllabus Jillio if you would like, if that would help, I would not be able to use a video you would give me then, because it might be affected by you knowing the assignment, but I would be willing to give information to anyone that is willing or able to vouch for me and my assignment.

I have made my video I can show you....

I would recommend that you get releases. Anytime you are using someone else's image and signs, thoughts, perceptions, and beliefs, you need to get a release signed showing that you have their express permission for the purpose intended, and also state that you will not be using the material for any other purposes. Not to mention which, it is necessary to cite as references for any kind of academic project of this nature.
I would recommend that you get releases. Anytime you are using someone else's image and signs, thoughts, perceptions, and beliefs, you need to get a release signed showing that you have their express permission for the purpose intended, and also state that you will not be using the material for any other purposes. Not to mention which, it is necessary to cite as references for any kind of academic project of this nature.

Other thread has her teacher's name at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

I don't think anyone from Milwaukee seems to be here tonight.
AWWW!! that's okay! I would still like to see the difference if you are so willing!

I won't use it for my class but more so for my own reference. We learned how many different modes of signed language there are and were told that versatility is important for interpreting. So interestingly enough I would be curious to see your interpretation...

since I am a native English speaker, it would probably be the video I understand the most. Sadly enough... lol
hmm, now I am thinking about merging the two threads since there are the same questions going on in both. :dunno:

You guys agree?

With two, it's twice as much fun. It's a slow night! :lol:
I would also be willing to email you my syllabus to show you the assignment like I said in the other thread.

Just to one person so they can vouch for me this is the way to do it, not for myself to sign it.
[ame=]zc-Saturday July 2, 1:30pm-3pm: Marika Kovacs-Houlihan - YouTube[/ame]
The guinea pig comparison is just wrong, why would you discourage someone trying to learn the language from trying to understand the language from native speakers. I may be interpreting your comment wrong, but it seems like you see me as already looking down on deaf people or here just to use people. In my opinion it is these comments that discourage already timid, beginners and those willing to learn from continuing on. I do not mean to offend anyone, use anyone, or anything of the sort.

I understand the concern with my sincerity and I totally respect that there are people that do such a thing. I can understand the hesitation and respect it. If no one would like to help that is okay, but please do not belittle me for being inquisitive and curious.

Well, this how you 'English' words translate in my Deaf mind. :giggle:

Besides, already give you *my* ASL interpretation. "Do not try at home." What is wrong with that? :hmm:
The guinea pig comparison is just wrong, why would you discourage someone trying to learn the language from trying to understand the language from native speakers. I may be interpreting your comment wrong, but it seems like you see me as already looking down on deaf people or here just to use people. In my opinion it is these comments that discourage already timid, beginners and those willing to learn from continuing on. I do not mean to offend anyone, use anyone, or anything of the sort.

I understand the concern with my sincerity and I totally respect that there are people that do such a thing. I can understand the hesitation and respect it. If no one would like to help that is okay, but please do not belittle me for being inquisitive and curious.

The reason we post as we do is because we are besieged with these kinds of requests daily. That was the whole reason behind Jolie starting the thread about those who come here for assignments. You may be one person, but when it's multiplied by those daily and monthly, we start to feel like experiments and assignments. We're deaf. That's all it is. And as what was so eloquently posted by others over time, go out into your deaf community and find those you can meet with on an individual/personal basis and get the answers you are looking for rather than posting on some forum expecting us do this for you for nothing in return, and more guinea-pig-likeness. I write this on a friendly note.
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Of course, some of us enjoy playing snake vs guinea pig. (and we don't consider ourself the guinea pig) :evil:
My thoughts can be summed up in one sentence. "Why doesn't silly man pull over to side of road?"