What are you thinking about? Part V

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LOL, a zoo!

The 2nd grade teacher has many different bugs and animals in her classroom. lol.

I'm not sure i want to go inside that classroom! :iough:
Class pets typically don't last for very long. Especially over school breaks such as Christmas and Spring break.

Maybe allow the top student to adopt the pet before Thanksgiving break? Then get a new pet in January until Spring Break for another student to adopt?

My dad had a guinea pig in his classroom, but he never told anyone where the food was including me, so sadly it starved to death because he was gone to a conference for a week.

Maybe when Xmas break is coming up, Nathan can have the pet? I wonder what shel will think about htis.
My daughter's guenia pig died the most painful and horrible death I can imagine. Fried literally. Still get sick thinking about it.

I'm not sure i want to know how it got fried.
Maybe when Xmas break is coming up, Nathan can have the pet? I wonder what shel will think about htis.

I dont mind having it at home but hte problem is Nathan will not want me to take it back to work and have a fit.
I dont mind having it at home but hte problem is Nathan will not want me to take it back to work and have a fit.

mm I see. I hope you can figure out what to do with your gebril.
Um, how can someone be jealous of a rodent? :shock:

It wouldn't play with her....it always ran away. Pig (original) would whistle (that's what they do) when me or the daughter were around but threw a fit when we left.
Ummm....I guess that is why they recommend you put cedar shavings on top of that metal pan. :dunno2:
Have a lottery with the kids, and the winner gets to take it home. Won't the parents just love shel?:giggle:

Especially if it's anything like my roommate's hamster. It would escape in middle of the night and then my roommate would wake me up at 2 am so I could help her look for it. :laugh2:
Have a lottery with the kids, and the winner gets to take it home. Won't the parents just love shel?:giggle:

Wait and see. We got the class pet to teach empathy to two of my students because their bullying has gotten very bad. Ugly situations happened last week with the kids so the school counselor suggested that I get a classroom pet to teach those who are without empathy to learn to care for others. Like I said, wait and see because some of them come from seriously messed up home lives.
Ummm....I guess that is why they recommend you put cedar shavings on top of that metal pan. :dunno2:

No, that is not at all why they recommend bedding. AND, it had bedding, but not enough to battle Texas heat I guess.
No, that is not at all why they recommend bedding. AND, it had bedding, but not enough to battle Texas heat I guess.

was it put under shade or was even the shade too hot for it?
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