I would much prefer an audism free world.
Thats what i was getting at, why it is America, America, America. They aren't the only country on the bloody planet. Part of it is the education system that indoctrinates. (im serious here!) but anyway, not getting upset, just a note to say its fine to think AFA, which seems to be a almost-direct copy of ADA, afterall experiementing is fine, but in real world, it'd be never like that. Hell, theres probably already an AFA but it would stand for something else...
Sorry Joey, but I can see your points, and its good to know you're getting aware of audism, but AFA is too nation-centred not Deaf-centred for Deaf means all Deaf all around the world!.
Nice idea, but not nice enough to ignore other Deafs around the world, that's all. Just a freindly opinion here, im not disagreeing with you, im just disagreeing with the 'just for america' concepts. America isn't the free-est country in the world like they'd like you to believe, it's a big lie, trust me on that one.