World population projected to reach 7 billion in 2011


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Mar 23, 2005
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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The world's population is forecast to hit 7 billion in 2011, the vast majority of its growth coming in developing and, in many cases, the poorest nations, a report released Wednesday said.

A staggering 97 percent of global growth over the next 40 years will happen in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, according to the Population Reference Bureau's 2009 World Population Data Sheet.

"The great bulk of today's 1.2 billion youth -- nearly 90 percent -- are in developing countries," said Carl Haub, a co-author of the report. Eight in 10 of those youth live in Africa and Asia.

"During the next few decades, these young people will most likely continue the current trend of moving from rural areas to cities in search of education and training opportunities, gainful employment, and adequate health care," Haub continued, calling it one of the major social questions of the next few decades.

In the developed world, the United States and Canada will account for most of the growth -- half from immigration and half from a natural increase in the population -- births minus deaths, according to the report.

High fertility rates and a young population base in the developing world will fuel most of the growth, especially in Africa, where women often give birth to six or seven children over a lifetime, the report says. The number is about two in the United States and 1.5 in Canada.

A stark contrast can be drawn between Uganda and Canada, which currently have about 34 million and 31 million residents, respectively. By 2050, Canada's population is projected to be 42 million, while Uganda's is expected to soar to 96 million, more than tripling.

"Even with declining fertility rates in many countries, world population is still growing at a rapid rate," said Bill Butz, president of the bureau. "The increase from 6 billion to 7 billion is likely to take 12 years, as did the increase from 5 billion to 6 billion. Both events are unprecedented in world history."

By 2050, India is projected to be the world's most populous nation at 1.7 billion, overtaking current leader China, which is forecast to hit 1.4 billion. The United States is expected to reach 439 million for No. 3 on the list.

World population projected to reach 7 billion in 2011 -
Dang...lot of people there.

Yup, I'm surprised about developing countries has far more birth than in developed countries, Population in China seems become stable and slowdown.

Current estimate (2009) for China is 1,338,612,968, it's even closer to 1.4 million and I hope that will slow down.
Yup, I'm surprised about developing countries has far more birth than in developed countries, Population in China seems become stable and slowdown.

Current estimate (2009) for China is 1,338,612,968, it's even closer to 1.4 million and I hope that will slow down.

Maybe because developing countries have no regulations of how many kids they should have. The funny thing is that in the US, there's no regulations either. We have 306 million in the US in the most recent estimate, I think.
Maybe because developing countries have no regulations of how many kids they should have. The funny thing is that in the US, there's no regulations either. We have 306 million in the US in the most recent estimate, I think.

Yup, US is different due alot of immigrants since China is more limited.

Most American families are usually have 2-3 kids in average, even I noticed latino has very high birth rate due catholic and increase by 140 million in 40 years seems not worse as others, it would take much as land of Mississippi to fill it.

There's no limited child in Europe or any developed countries.
Yup, US is different due alot of immigrants since China is more limited.

Most American families are usually have 2-3 kids in average, even I noticed latino has very high birth rate due catholic and increase by 140 million in 40 years seems not worse as others, it would take much as land of Mississippi to fill it.

There's no limited child in Europe or any developed countries.

American families? 2-3 kids in average? try 1-2!

Latinos have high birth rates because of their religion affiliation? not at all! Majority of them have wedlock kids and they are single mothers.
Maybe because developing countries have no regulations of how many kids they should have. The funny thing is that in the US, there's no regulations either. We have 306 million in the US in the most recent estimate, I think.

there's no need for regulation in here since the living cost and expense are high enough already. having 2+ kids.... good lord! :hyper:
Yup, I'm surprised about developing countries has far more birth than in developed countries, Population in China seems become stable and slowdown.

Current estimate (2009) for China is 1,338,612,968, it's even closer to 1.4 million and I hope that will slow down.

a very old and well-established reason for developing countries to have many kids is because it's purely for economical purpose. They cannot afford to hire workers so they have kids of their own. We used to do that in America back in old time when it was mostly agricultural and industrial.

in developed world - it is cost-effective to focus on 1-2 kids and spend all the resource on grooming them to be professional (doctor, CEO, lawyer, etc.)
there's no need for regulation in here since the living cost and expense are high enough already. having 2+ kids.... good lord! :hyper:

I noticed that rural area is tends to have more kids than in urban or suburb, it seems like cheaper to raise the kids in rural area.
there's no need for regulation in here since the living cost and expense are high enough already. having 2+ kids.... good lord! :hyper:

Yeah, makes sense. Europe is growing slowly because cost of living is ridiclously high so growth slows down and parents don't want many kids cuz it's $$$ enough to survive. I think India needs to put regulations on the growth because it's growing out of control.
I noticed that rural area is tends to have more kids than in urban or suburb, it seems like cheaper to raise the kids in rural area.

it's not that because it's cheaper to raise kids in rural area than in suburb but multiple kids are "cheaper labor" than hiring workers. Although - it is not cheap to raise kids wherever you are - urban, suburb, rural. It requires resource to raise kids - food, clothes, medicine, etc.

but.... it's a rather complicated issue
American families? 2-3 kids in average? try 1-2!

Latinos have high birth rates because of their religion affiliation? not at all! Majority of them have wedlock kids and they are single mothers.

Wedlock kids and single moms? I thought they have kids and are not married but singles? :confused: Maybe I see differently? I see so many kids who born to single parents, not married parents. :dunno:
Wedlock kids and single moms? I thought they have kids and are not married but singles? :confused: Maybe I see differently? I see so many kids who born to single parents, not married parents. :dunno:

oops! i'm sorry! I used wrong word! yes you are correct - there are too many UNMARRIED moms giving birth
there's no need for regulation in here since the living cost and expense are high enough already. having 2+ kids.... good lord! :hyper:

What you wrote makes sense. But the current state of the economy and high cost of living is not going to stop people from third world and developing countries from immigrating to the US and other parts of the world.
What does 7 billion people really mean?

It is hard to fathom what 7 billion people means. How much does the world population increase in a day? A week? A month? A year?

Read this, it will just blow you away. It is posed as a 'challenge' but the solution is posted at the bottom:

Weekly Challenge 2: People People Everywhere | Dr. Jeff's Blog on the Universe

Then think of the resources that need to be made available to provide basic needs.

Jeff Goldstein
Center Director
National Center for Earth and Space Science Education
ok, grummer. More affluent and educated women have effective birth control. My grandmother had 7 kids and lived on a farm. I have 2 kids and live in the city. A big difference! I'm not doing my part to populate the US. My bad! :giggle: We also have immunizations so that childhood death is greatly reduced. Back in the olden days more babies and toddlers died. It's still like that in developing nations.
I was intrigued by the image of all the people of the world located in the State of Texas and of the anti-abortionist being one of six billion people in a state with an area of about 250,000 square miles — 10 times the size of West Virginia. I did the arithmetic; and I discovered that he is right. If all six billion people of the earth were located in Texas, each would have a lot of about 900 square feet. But, then, there are some deductions that would have to be made from the lot.

Found this from other site....I already knew that the fact that about 6 billion people can fit in state of Texas, just like he described above.