Glen Beck Says McCain Would Be Worse For Our Country Than Hilary or Barrack

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Sep 14, 2006
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Source is CBS.
(CBS) In an interview for the inaugural installment of @katiecouric, the new Web show hosted by Katie Couric, Glenn Beck said that he thinks "John McCain would have been worse for the country than Barack Obama."

Beck, the Fox News personality, radio host and author, also said that he may have voted for Hillary Clinton over McCain had Clinton been the Democratic nominee in 2008.

"I can’t believe I’m saying this, I think I would have much preferred her as president and may have voted for her against John McCain," Beck told Couric.

Prompted to elaborate by the CBS Evening News anchor and managing editor, Beck said he thinks "McCain is this weird progressive like Theodore Roosevelt was."

"I think John McCain would have been worse," he continued, laughing. "How about this? I think John McCain would have been worse for the country than Barack Obama. How’s that?"

I think Fox News must've thought He committed blasphemy vs what it stands for him to even say that.

I must say the article didn't say why Beck thought Hilary or Barrack were better choices than McCain.
Beck will say what it takes to please his masters.

So now, he's trashing Obama. No surprise there.
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I think we would have been much better in this country with Bozo the Clown as President, Monica Lewinsky as Vice President, (while doing you know what to Bozo!), George Carlin as Secretary of Defense and Rush Limbaugh as White House Secretary of White House Restrooms (big long flush*) than having Glen Beck decide what the fawk he really believes in.
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Source is CBS.

I think Fox News must've thought He committed blasphemy vs what it stands for him to even say that.

I must say the article didn't say why Beck thought Hilary or Barrack were better choices than McCain.
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I think we would have been much better in this country with Bozo the Clown as President, Monica Lewinsky as Vice President, George Carlin as Secretary of Defense and Rush Limbaugh as White House Secretary of White House Restrooms than having Glen Beck decide what the fawk he really believes in.
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then Idiocracy movie came true!
Where's my Brawndo?


I... I.... dunno..... wait...... what did you ask?

*it's a pix of Goofy who looks like he's very high on weed
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I think we would have been much better in this country with Bozo the Clown as President, Monica Lewinsky as Vice President, (while doing you know what to Bozo!), George Carlin as Secretary of Defense and Rush Limbaugh as White House Secretary of White House Restrooms (big long flush*) than having Glen Beck decide what the fawk he really believes in.
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Carlin's dead but I always envisioned him as Secretary of State more than Defense.
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I think we would have been much better in this country with Bozo the Clown as President, Monica Lewinsky as Vice President, (while doing you know what to Bozo!), George Carlin as Secretary of Defense and Rush Limbaugh as White House Secretary of White House Restrooms (big long flush*) than having Glen Beck decide what the fawk he really believes in.
How's that?

:rofl2: Cowpuppy reading that was priceless.
He also said he's a libertarian and a Mormon, I already knew he's a libertarian but not that he's a Mormon. That's a new one. And what about Glenn? Dunno. Don't know much about him and don't even watch or listen to his show either. I mostly listen to radio talk shows Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Ann Coulter and on occassion Mike McConnell, and anything on video I come across that fancy me while on the internet. But Glenn? I haven't had much time with him yet though he seems to have some interesting opinions.
Ann Coulter?

The one that called Bush stupid for invading Afghanistan, and should had attacked Canada a few days after 9/11 because the Canadian government supposedly "helped" the terrorists plan it out? Enough said...
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