My trip to Perth, Western Australia.


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Nov 20, 2006
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This thread to my thought, it would be interesting, for a change, for you to be curious how my holiday went, so I will post my story here and there while I am heading to Perth tomorow night. Pictures will be added later.

I will be updating this thread in my HipTop 3 (sidekick 3) do bear with me peeps ;)

Trip = 3rd September to 12th September (AEST)
wow, I would love to hear update of your trip to Perth...

I have been went to Victoria, Melborne, Island of Phillips - Great Ocean - to South of New Wales. I love it... It´s unforgetable holiday...
wow, I would love to hear update of your trip to Perth...

I have been went to Victoria, Melborne, Island of Phillips - Great Ocean - to South of New Wales. I love it... It´s unforgetable holiday...

That's good. Keep an eye on this thread, I will be updating it in two days time. ;)
Do you want me to wave a very big flag just in case your plane couldn't find Perth? :giggle:

Anyway, for the weather we are expecting, it gonna be a mixture, some fine days and some cloudy or rain days. This is what are expecting during the week from weatherzone.

Monday - Sunny 27 Celsius
Tuesday - Showers easing 19 C
Wednesday - Mostly cloudy 17 C
Thursday - Cloud increasing 20 C
Friday - Showers 17 C
Saturday - Clearing shower 18 C

Have fun in Perth and hope you like it. :)
Do you want me to wave a very big flag just in case your plane couldn't find Perth? :giggle:

That would be great :lol: ;)

Anyway, for the weather we are expecting, it gonna be a mixture, some fine days and some cloudy or rain days. This is what are expecting during the week from weatherzone.

Monday - Sunny 27 Celsius
Tuesday - Showers easing 19 C
Wednesday - Mostly cloudy 17 C
Thursday - Cloud increasing 20 C
Friday - Showers 17 C
Saturday - Clearing shower 18 C

Have fun in Perth and hope you like it. :)

Thanks for the weather details (I was informed by my cousin with the weather though), despite with the rain, I'll survive while enjoying the holiday there. ;)
:wave: Enjoy your journey Mr JC.

#1 Blog

Hello all,

Today is the day, where I am going to spend my boring day at work which is the usual same thing, (including surfing on all day :lol:) but finally, right after work, I will head off to the International Airport, which is just right next to where I work! So lucky enough, my mother dropped me off, and I strolled with my thick big footy bag all the way to the first floor of my office :eek: but I made it :lol:

Gee, it is spring season here, and it is very warm today :eek:

I will be posting more, so stay tuned, friends!
hehe -can't wait for the holiday blogs to begin - I have a couple of friends in Perth, but I guess this week it'll be three! ;)
#2 blog - Day 1, Part I

Now, it is 6:40am, perth time here, two hours behind of my actual hometown time which is actually 840am.

After a comfortable flight, which took 5 hours, I was impressed on the Qantas airline safety feature, which you all know, was presented on TV while staff do their usual procedure, the TV was subtitled so I was happy to watch and then when the plane finally took off, it has a welcome message, yet cpationed too. Also the local news. Only despite the movies does not caption though.

Anyway, I had chicken curry for dinner, it was good. Later afterwards, I was stil hungry so I thought I'd just have some potato chips, I went to get my bad, to mu surprise, the chip packet was, um, hard to describe, puffed up as the packet looked so fat....due to air pressure and I didn't dare to open it, :lol:

I arrived at the airport at 1015pm, my cousin and my aunt picked me up.

T'all good ;)

I will update, Part 2, tonight.

Stay tuned!
I will upate part 2 tomorrow morning, first thing as I'm currently very tired. Sorry for the inconvience :(
#1 blog, Part II

Sorry for the delay, last night, I was so tired so could not bother to type the blog but here it is! :D

Day 1 - Perth City

In the morning since I got up and had breakfast, my cousin and I went to drop her little boys ( my 2nd cousins) to school/daycare and my cousin took me to kings park, it was beautiful and the grass was soooo green despite at my hometown most grasses are brownish due to drought :( but in a long time, I have not seen greeeeeen grass, :lol:

I took some pictures but I hopefully to post them up later today, if I can!

At the park, they have marellvous view of the city and the swan river. Pretty.

Then we went into thre city, it was very striaghtforward city, you know, clean and tidy city, for example, sydney city has crooked roads, they are not striaght but perth city is very striaght and clean.....simple and easy to get around so I walked around between murray st and hay st mall, where there so many shops/stores etc bought a few things, and I was looking for a new camera (didn't buy it yet). it was good. Weather was warm, cloudy took over the blue skies later in the day and the rain has its switch when they poured.

We all (including the boys) went to get their father from the airport and had dinner at my cousins place with the boys father. It was good. I watched "the man of the year" dvd and it was boring.

That is all for the day. I am going to a tour of "frementle prison" today so stay tuned for #2 blog, Part I!
Sound like you enjoyed your quiet day! :)
Hope you able to find new camera to buy. I wanted a new one also but money is not permit at this moment. Dang! HA!

Sorry for the delay, last night, I was so tired so could not bother to type the blog but here it is! :D

Day 1 - Perth City

In the morning since I got up and had breakfast, my cousin and I went to drop her little boys ( my 2nd cousins) to school/daycare and my cousin took me to kings park, it was beautiful and the grass was soooo green despite at my hometown most grasses are brownish due to drought :( but in a long time, I have not seen greeeeeen grass, :lol:

I took some pictures but I hopefully to post them up later today, if I can!

At the park, they have marellvous view of the city and the swan river. Pretty.

Then we went into thre city, it was very striaghtforward city, you know, clean and tidy city, for example, sydney city has crooked roads, they are not striaght but perth city is very striaght and clean.....simple and easy to get around so I walked around between murray st and hay st mall, where there so many shops/stores etc bought a few things, and I was looking for a new camera (didn't buy it yet). it was good. Weather was warm, cloudy took over the blue skies later in the day and the rain has its switch when they poured.

We all (including the boys) went to get their father from the airport and had dinner at my cousins place with the boys father. It was good. I watched "the man of the year" dvd and it was boring.

That is all for the day. I am going to a tour of "frementle prison" today so stay tuned for #2 blog, Part I!
Sound like you enjoyed your quiet day! :)
Hope you able to find new camera to buy. I wanted a new one also but money is not permit at this moment. Dang! HA!

Digital cameras are so damn expensive but would love to have one though. Hopefully today or tomorrow :D
I got mine for 500 but got it for free. Long story!

You could look at the ADs (in newspaper or online) and check the prices. I have Kodak and LOVES IT! I wanted Cannon Rebel but that's about 800 to 1K!!! So I gotta to save it up!! LOL!

Digital cameras are so damn expensive but would love to have one though. Hopefully today or tomorrow :D
#2 Blog Part II

Finally, what a day, been a busy day today, I went to 'Frementle Prison' this morning and it was interesting, my cousin interpreted the tour for me, how generous of her. :)

Frementle Prison was orginially closed in November 1991, due to a big bad riot and it closed so the prison has been housin at least 600 - 650 convicts spanning since the late 1880's until 91 prior to the closure. Here is some piccies below of the frementle prison -


This is the picture of the building where all the convicts are housed.


This is one of the cell rooms, fully painted by a horrible murderer who has sepcial permission to let him paint the room, which painting makes him calm down, all sort of a medicication.. the room looked so beautiful, see the piccy above.

Last one of the frementle prison pictures


This is how small the cell looked like back in the 1920's to 1940s. really tiny but over many years, the rooms has expanded rapidly.

So after that my cousin has to head to work for a hour due to a meeting so I went to the city, fortuantely I purchased a beautiful camera for only $299 which is an excellent bargain! 7.1 Megapixels with 10X zoom, purchased it at Target in the city. See piccy below -


After that, I went to Western Australia Deaf Society, when my cousin took me there, wow, it is a big community group and there was over many 50 + senoirs in the big room chatting.. I met Dawn Harrison one of the staff, she's lovely, she showed me the centre... interesting.. we talked while my cousin who was the former staff there caught up with the peeps she once knew.

It has been a busy day!

Photos below from the first day! Enjoy!


Me, at Kings Park, City of Perth is righht behind me! ;)


Definitely, Kings Park ....beautiful!

And last but not the least.. Enjoy drooling over these!!!! :lol:


Stay tuned for Blog #3!
WOW! What a great day and you sure enjoyed it! CONGRAT on new camera! :thumb: Enjoy it! I didn't know they have Target in Australia!!!!