Deaf Wildman Moving to Oregon


New Member
May 9, 2013
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I just read the recent thread on opinions about what Oregon was like and where some deafies hung out. I plan on moving to Oregon, specifically in Lincoln City. It seems that the majority of deafies live in the cities such as Portland, Eugene, Salem, and across the border to Vancouver, Washington. Those are all at least 1 to 2 hours away from Lincoln City. It's unlikely that some people here would know if there's any living in Lincoln City, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I don't mind visiting cities, but I'm not a city person. I'm originally from Montana. I lived deep in the wilderness with no human contact or civilization. Deep inside me, I yearn for closeness with other deafies. I hope that there are some deaf country folks living there. Any information and help are appreciated. Thank you.