Does your LABRYNTHITIS symptoms simular to my condition?


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May 20, 2003
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I had my first labrynthitis eight years ago. I woke up one morning, opened my eyes and the whole the room was spinning out of control. I could not get up from my bed and walked imbalance that I feel like I was drunk! I was sitting at my couch about two hours later, the vertigo started as I could not control over my head, if I moved it to my chest and back to look at the ceiling, it felt like it was moving at 100 miles an hour!

The doctor told me, I have a permanent damage to both inner ear, and float around in the fluid. When I was turning my headway sends you spiraling out of control. The fluid float to the eardrum, it effected on my canal. The nerve impulses sent from your inner ear to your brain are sent these peripheral nerves. This system is found within the inner ear and is responsible for postural balance. Things called canaliths break off the little hairs of the inner ear and float around in the fluid.

I could not drive the car, I felt like I was really drunk. I was afraid to drive because I still don't feel like "myself". My visual was disturbance due to difficulty focus the roads. Oh my god, I pulled my car off the road and closed my eyes few minutes. I opened the window wide to keep refresh cold air to keep my sweat reduction. It was so freeze outside. I could not drink any fluid because it makes me vomiting again and again. When I turned my head a very little, it became vertigo, nausea, and vomiting.

I described all my symptoms to the doctor. He gives me the prescribed a meclizine, it is anti-vertigo. I was into two days of this problem and I was wondering if it ever going to go away now. I could not even watch TV because my eyes could not focus in on something, my eyes would bounce as I felt like that I was riding on a race horse.

I am frustrated with my dizziness, it hit me in the middle of day at my work. I could not even get up and walk to the bathroom or open my eyes. My visual was all-spinal around the walls at my office. I felt that that my chair was spinning as a riding around as at Amusement park. I was suddenly vomiting into the wastebasket. Of course, I was extremely embarrassed. I have given myself up to the fact, I will live with this for the rest of my life.

If my symptom does not resolve, my ETN doctor recommends me. I will have my neurologist evaluation. So far, my symptoms has been not coming back since springtime. (Knock the wood).

Doctor said, it is very common for the deafness and eldery people who have simular my case. Do you have the same problem as my symptoms?
Hmm... I don't know. This sounds like something I had once when I was 6 years old. It only lasted half a day. I didn't take any medication or anything, but I got better.
Labrynthitis or Vertigo

Vertigo symptoms similar.

Richard Roehm
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Sabrina, get at CI and your problem will be solved! :laugh2:
Actually, I was half-joking and half-serious but since Sabrina neither wants to be kidded nor to learn something, I have nothing more to say.....
:giggle: Sabrina....Sorry, I couldn't help it! but hey, she has a point!
Lol, Angel, one look at me, hun, and you'd never call me a she again! :P
First of all, I am so sorry about your dizziness. My dh has a serious tinnus that cuases him dizzy or too loud in his ears. He has it since he was born. It never go away, poor him. He has serious problem with balance as well. Your similar sounds verymuch to me that it is Vertigo symptoms.

By the way, I do not want to sound like I am rude or something. SInce you posted it here in the debate topics. What does it do with your dizziness? hmm Is this right forum? I always thought that debate means that everyone agree or disagree instead of giving some advices.
Tousi said:
Lol, Angel, one look at me, hun, and you'd never call me a she again! :P

:rofl: ...OMG, You sure crack me up!

Well hun, I'm sorry to say this but I was speaking to Sabrina as ' She ' and of course, I knew you are a male and even have a wife! but Thanks for the laugh, you're one funniest dude! :thumb:
I've had Vertigo twice in 1998 and 1999. My head was spinning pretty bad and it lasted 3 to 4 hours. I've had to vomit several times because of severe dizziness. Interesting though, I became deaf around at the time. I was hard of hearing then. There are times that I'd feel floating in my head and that's when I knew I had to be careful when I turn my head quickly. I've been dealing with it since 1998.
I had that when I was a kid, it lasted for a short time...sounds like a whirling disease like many fishes get or some rodents, too.
Even tho this post is old, but I'd like to say that I had something like this as I was a kid and it'd last for a short time... I hope that it doesn't come back. I thought that it was just a really really bad headache and I felt very dizzy... can't move my head fast, but when I got to the point where I got really really dizzy I'd have to hold my head and be still til the dizness stopped which was only for 10 secs and I'd feel a bit nauesus, but then I'd be ok. Thank goodness I don't have that anymore and I hope I don't get it in the future, but will see heh
Few times, I have but not too seriouis.. If worst seriouis then I'll be seeing DR.

btw My friend had those before experience and was in her coach for 1 wk and cannot handle w/her 2 kids and also cooking etc etc. Called to DR and decide sent her hospital. Found she has ear fluid. Gave her strong medcation. Finally it's works. than weak cheap medcation. She cannot go work permantly and must stay home all time. She quite upsetting and wants work and support living decent but have to accept being full time MOM. Lucky thing, She has hubby and her hubby have a job. Will not problem. They wishes have 2 sole support living decent but have to respect her health comes first.
Bullym0m said:
Few times, I have but not too seriouis.. If worst seriouis then I'll be seeing DR.

btw My friend had those before experience and was in her coach for 1 wk and cannot handle w/her 2 kids and also cooking etc etc. Called to DR and decide sent her hospital. Found she has ear fluid. Gave her strong medcation. Finally it's works. than weak cheap medcation. She cannot go work permantly and must stay home all time. She quite upsetting and wants work and support living decent but have to accept being full time MOM. Lucky thing, She has hubby and her hubby have a job. Will not problem. They wishes have 2 sole support living decent but have to respect her health comes first.

I know what exactly like she went through like this. I wonder if her doctor gets her the prescribed a meclizine. Meclizine is very helpful for me. I break half of the tablet because it makes me sleepy. I could not take whole of one tablet. I would be sleep all the day.

It is really scared when when it impacted me. I had to pulling over the roads and threw up and spin dizzy. I had to close my eyes to take deeply breath and open the windows to keep cold air in my face.

It was extremely horrible experience for me. *knock the wood* It hasn't come back to me. This summer is not really too bad humdity or hot. Thanks God !!

I keep avoiding to go out during hot and humdity weather !!

Hope, your friend will recovery from the prescribe of meclizine.
Hi Kalista,

I am so sorry that you had this problem. I had the same problem. I won't tell you how long I had this. My problem is really gone and never came back. I think I am sure that I had meclizine, too. This medicine made me sleepy. It was worthless shit. I am pretty sure that you do NOT have a permanent damage because it has nothing to do with your eyes or ears. It has to do with your sinus infections that you may not aware of.

First of all, do you have a nasal polyps (inner)? Were you sleeping near a heater?

I took me to figure it out quite some times. I finally found two things what I have learned - a chiropractor and sinus rinsing with a "Neti Pot."

I hate my ENT doctor, and he was the most stupid doctor I had ever in my life. He said that I have ear problem that might need a surgery. I went to see my allergist doctor instead, and he told me that I had the sinus infections because I had polyps which caused form of bacteria and air pressure inside my sinus. He was corrected. Yours may be a little different, but the same type of sinus pressure that affect what you described. This was really fright me what you said on the post. It was the hard for me to write to you. You really cannot expect what your doctor says that might shock you. Just hold your through, and try my recommendations.

Another thing that you might try two tennis balls with a sock (inside the balls). Put it on top book on the floor, and lay down your back neck on the balls. "Roll" your balls forward and back in your back of your neck two times - 10 seconds on between two vertebrae. It worked for me. No charge on your bill.

Right now, your symptoms have not come back. That's a really good sign because it is not a permanent damage so your doctor is wrong. Don't start my recommendations yet.

Just watch out your food allergy that you may not know such as wheat bread, corn, some cheeses, some milks, unfortunate cereals, cheap food, fast food, etc. Never never use a microwave! Green tea with a local honey is good, use glass instead of plastic bottles, do some exercises, get rid of tube computer monitor and use the LCD monitor, drink good fluids.

Never never buy high corn fruit syrup on the food ingredients - I don't have time to explain this syrup so just stay away from it because nobody care about it. Other type of syrup on the ingredients is fine. Soybean is just alright, and I would not want to buy a bread that has soybean in it.

Hope that helps.
To Freaky Cat

I realized that her post was in 2004. Gee. We are too stupid to check the date first. :giggle:

Oh well, perhaps it's worth to remind to some people who had/have the similar problem might want to read our posts. We gotta to buy a thick reading glasses. :ugh3:
To Freaky Cat

I realized that her post was in 2004. Gee. We are too stupid to check the date first. :giggle:

Oh well, perhaps it's worth to remind to some people who had/have the similar problem might want to read our posts. We gotta to buy a thick reading glasses. :ugh3:

I was ahead to second job while I stood up from the desk chair last week. I saw the walls started spin around to cause my imbalance. I grabed my chair to close my eyes and sit. My head was down with my two hands but I got sick to my stomach and sweat. I turned the fan on to blow my face because I wanted to go to second job. I can't miss it... My dizzy spin around and around about less than 4 mintues. I took deeply breath and drank cold water.

I said, Please let me go now... I closed my eyes for while. I woke up and the spin was stopped. I turned my head up and down but my head was dizzy really bad. I drove to other job and told my supervisor, I was extremely dizzy need to take it easy on my shift with clients. Supervisor was concerned because my face was all pale. One hour later, I recovery.

I can't believe, it comes back again... I took half tablet of meclizine. My brian funcional was disproportionately because I could not concentrate very well with paperwork. It was too sleepy. Best take half tablet instead of one tab. It is 25 mg. I break half tablet, it is 12 1/2 mg. It helps me alot.

I am not 100% recovery since I have those symptoms.

Right now, I am so overhwhelming due to pack, clean, move, etc... until Labor's Day weekend. I worked 80 to 110 hours a week. Thanks God, I will take days off during Labor's Day to unpack, pain, clean, etc... at new condo.

I try to take deeply breath to walk daily 45 to 60 mintues. Drink plenty of water. It helps my dizzy reduce.