Your AD name, why?


New Member
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
I'll start. Mine is "Kokonut." I have a tabby cat named "Koko" and I like nuts, for example Spanish peanuts. Now you know.

What's your reason or explanation for your AD name?
I go by Kevbo in real life. That's my nickname.
Foxrac = Fox Racing.

I'm fan of Fox Racing brand.
No, it is not because of Angelina Jolie. :P

Jolie in French means Beautiful. :)
my username why i chose for!?!

i chose Sara and my birthdate 1981 together is sara1981 that fair..
I'm quirky and a libra. Actually I'm a crazy libra but I wasn't sure anyone would talk to me if I had that name. :)
Wirelessly posted

I live on the west coast, ocean blue and seven is a bibical perfect number.
Feralmoon is the name of the Shaman I play on WoW >.> And Junebug because my real name is June and my parents always call me Junebug. Thus, Feraljunebug - I also thought the idea of a crazy beetle was pretty funny. A little junebug foaming at the mandibles. Lol
chucky69 = One of my favorite horror movies, and 69? Well, us perverts know what that # means! lol

Loved that old song, "rockin'robin"...and sang it often when I was little...was thrilled when a contestant sang it on American Idol....brought back old tyme memories....

Gotta love her!

Poor Richard!
My name is Holly - which is usually taken. Hollykins is one of the nicknames I get called - that - and Hollywood.

I usually use thephantomsgirl which was my first username on here until the crash. That one is because I am a huge Phantom of the Opera fan.