Why talking about owning different guns?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I became friends with one of the ASL students. She has decided to get into guns. She has taken a "carry and conceal" class. The person is now approved to buy guns. She talks a lot on Facebook about what kind of guns she would buy. To be fair, I don't know much about guns. I just don't think it is very smart to talk about what kind of guns you plan to carry.

I would suppose that I can talk about what kind of bike I'm going to ride that day, but guns are a different game.
It is kind of like talking about all those vintage watches you carry. One day, you may be robbed because you are carrying all those vintage stuffs.
Ah, so you are saying she should discreet for her own protection?
I think Derek's point is that the conceal part of, ""carry and conceal" is not fully understood by this person.
Why do you feel this way?

If this woman is on facebook and posted a lot of personal info then tell everyone she has guns in house that is asking to have her house broken into . A newspaper printed the names and addresses of gun owns in their newspaper and some houses got broken into and their guns where stolen. I think anyone that goes around telling people they have in their house on facebook is not very bright and may not be a responsible gun owner.
I became friends with one of the ASL students. She has decided to get into guns. She has taken a "carry and conceal" class. The person is now approved to buy guns. She talks a lot on Facebook about what kind of guns she would buy. To be fair, I don't know much about guns. I just don't think it is very smart to talk about what kind of guns you plan to carry.

You are right.

It is almost as bad as saying "I have 10 million dollars, and plan to carry as much money on me as I can"

Methinks she is bragging....wants people to think she is someone special....

The whole CCW thing is supposed to be low-key....no one is comfortable being in the same room with a complete stranger and a fully loaded handgun.
Whatchasay (I'm sorry but my mom and stepfather had a myna bird and taught him how to say that, so I get a kick everytime I see your handle and I misspelled it this once on purpose): My biggest concern about owning a gun is not hearing. I might feel Marcus barking but then I have to put on my CI (takes a bit of time) and hope I see. For me, it's a danger. I've owned a gun since my hearing days when I used to go to shooting ranges. Now, it's just not good for me.
Green: Hang on there - off topic. It looks like you're on a four cylinder Honda Nighthawk? I'm either seeing things (possible) or you're on a classic. Que pasa? Nope, it's not that old (unless again my vision is whacko) because the rear seat is higher. What are you riding and, asked the psuedo-mom, is your helmet Snell rated? You look really snazzy. I can't afford chaps like that but my sis did send me a really good padded meshy jacket and I do have a tailored Harley-like leather jacket :) .
People are often bit by their own dogs too
what is the issue here besides irrational fear? good for this girl. she has a solid head on her lest she becomes the victim waiting for police who are minutes away when seconds count.
its an ugly world, act accordingly. its her right not to become the victim so many are by being defenses in an ugly world. if fate decides that her defense is used against her then so be it. but the odds are in her favor. not against her. you are less likely to be a victim packing then those who are not. look at crime stats per states and compare them even factor in demographics. its not hard to understand. think it through. criminals go after weak targets. i guarantee you you are more likely to survive a mas shooting if other people are armed and it is known as a matter of fact look at all the targets of mass shootings. how many have been at cop stations what was the body count? how many at schools against defenseless kids or in theaters, or in high schools, what was the body count? ect I do admit being in a room with strangers packing as in cops does irk me and make me feel comfortable. Why shouldn't it? or should i only not feel comfortable if those strangers are not in uniform?
its time to look into the mirror and to thine own self be true. use some intellectual honesty and self reflection
ask yourself
why this is even an issue?
she has the right to conceal carry great. rights are like muscles use them or lose them. she probably thinks hes interested in guns as she is. people tend to talk about what they find interesting. tell her guns aren't your thing and instead talk bikes
simple really
my opinion for course for what its worth
Tell her you prefer the Beretta 96 .40 for two reasons.

1) The .40 was designed by, and for, the FBI and CIA and US Military to be an all out man stopper due to the hydrostatic shock force of this round. The .40 was designed after two bank robbers were not stopped by 8 FBI and Law Enforcement agents armed with .357 mag and 9mm, and having been wounded numerous times - the bank robbers were still able to fire back and wound/kill several of the agents.

2) The Beretta .40 is a sexy gun and the standard capacity is 13 rounds. You can also get 20 round magazines for it. Also, you can get +2 after market kits so the standard magazines can carry 15 rounds. So, she can miss 12 times and get one shot in, and that one shot will drop the would be bad guy right there.


People are often bit by their own dogs too
what is the issue here besides irrational fear? good for this girl. she has a solid head on her lest she becomes the victim waiting for police who are minutes away when seconds count.
its an ugly world, act accordingly. its her right not to become the victim so many are by being defenses in an ugly world. if fate decides that her defense is used against her then so be it. but the odds are in her favor. not against her. you are less likely to be a victim packing then those who are not. look at crime stats per states and compare them even factor in demographics. its not hard to understand. think it through. criminals go after weak targets. i guarantee you you are more likely to survive a mas shooting if other people are armed and it is known as a matter of fact look at all the targets of mass shootings. how many have been at cop stations what was the body count? how many at schools against defenseless kids or in theaters, or in high schools, what was the body count? ect I do admit being in a room with strangers packing as in cops does irk me and make me feel comfortable. Why shouldn't it? or should i only not feel comfortable if those strangers are not in uniform?
its time to look into the mirror and to thine own self be true. use some intellectual honesty and self reflection
ask yourself
why this is even an issue?
she has the right to conceal carry great. rights are like muscles use them or lose them. she probably thinks hes interested in guns as she is. people tend to talk about what they find interesting. tell her guns aren't your thing and instead talk bikes
simple really
my opinion for course for what its worth

The issue seems to me to be that the element of surprise would be more on her side if everybody didn't know she had the gun...
Berettas are sexy all around. 500 years and counting.
botteseni who is everybody? do you really want me to believe criminals who are looking to rape girls and or rob them are more likely to creep facebook and purposely choose the one who is armed and has everyone know she know show to use it, as opposed to the others who are not armed?
I think that this is a good observation Derek. The concealed carry thing is private and among the closest friends only. It is for protection and defense.

Why let the world know whatcha got? Most people can be taken by surprise and immobilized in a heartbeat by someone who knows how. The only thing you have going for you is your hideout, training, and ability. Add deaf or hoh to that and the predator that is invading your space will use that knowledge.

Guns are like cars they are as well cared for or intelligently used as the people who own them. Look around at the drivers among us. See a few that suck really bad? Make horrible decisions with no lack of concern for others? And so on. These are licensed insured drivers. With that perspective look at giving them all concealed guns and how responsible they will be.

She will be like many others ... a new danger to herself and the rest of us, while hopefully providing some protection for herself. What happens from there is up to Fate.
well, maybe she doesn't want to conceal carry? :hmm:

Did you think of that? Maybe she wants to open carry.
...2) The Beretta .40 is a sexy gun and the standard capacity is 13 rounds. You can also get 20 round magazines for it. Also, you can get +2 after market kits so the standard magazines can carry 15 rounds. So, she can miss 12 times and get one shot in, and that one shot will drop the would be bad guy right there….

Sorry, that's too long if the one shot that hits the attacker is #13.

I wouldn't choose a gun based on its sex appeal. :lol:

Sorry, that's too long if the one shot that hits the attacker is #13.

I wouldn't choose a gun based on its sex appeal. :lol:

You know that was tongue in cheek ... :giggle: