Who Drank the orange soda (little boy)

HAHAHAHA....funny.......he won't admit it that he drink orange soda which his lip show orange mark on his lip.
Anyone who are hearing to listen what this video said ?? pretty please!!! lol haha :lol:
Try to go: projectreadon to become a member for sumbit a web
for request free captioning. :) I had tried 6 of these video is
everything is fine. Project Readon had a no problem with me.
It's great captioning service, but it don't have a speaker identifcation
or exactly as Line-21 traditional captioning like left to right captioning
on the screen.
Try to go: projectreadon to become a member for sumbit a web
for request free captioning. :) I had tried 6 of these video is
everything is fine. Project Readon had a no problem with me.
It's great captioning service, but it don't have a speaker identifcation
or exactly as Line-21 traditional captioning like left to right captioning
on the screen.

Haha...kids can say the darnest cutest things...that'll imply to another brother or sister! :lol:

Cool video-- :thumb:

Great video! It's funny. I saw a boy had a orange above the lip, that was
lying!! :giggle:
It must be embarrassed for him. :lol:
Now there is a Project Readon is done with captioning:
Project Readon for check their updates.
What, where for what not working on?
This Video or captioning by Project Readon?

She mean that the first link that I posted doesnt work so I posted new one from youtube if it can see it or not :)

that Project Readon I tried to find it and no luck what this little boy said :)