White House to Fox News: You lie!

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Anyone with half a brain already knew that Fox News was nothing but lies and distortions.
I watch Fox News. ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN don't cover the marches in DC, the beatings of white kids by black gangs, th OBama and Biden SNAFU things, etc.
Fox news is cheap.

I don't really trust the media there so I usually hear the media from CNN.
Yeah, they were mighty disappointed when Chicago lost the Olympics bid with the anchors and reporters' who awaited with breathless anticipation and were so sure they'd get it without any problems. It was a comedy gold moment to see their faces (and voices) turned to panic and disappointment the moment it was announced. They don't exactly cover everything either.
^^ Off Topic. There is already a thread devoted to the Chicago bid for the Olympics. Post related comments there.

Fox News has been caught in several dishonest situations in the past few months. Surprising that anyone would continue to give them credibility. But then honesty and fact ddoesn't appear to be very high on some peopke's priority list.:cool2:
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