What's the temperature in your town?

You are all lucky! Especially the fog part. I love fog. I can't wait for Fall to be here already. Today was today wasn't too bad. I think it was about 99 degrees. I loved the little bit of breeze in between the heat. It was the only good thing about today.

You'd be really jealous then. Open and rolling land, so you can be driving along in the clear, then go down a hill into fog and come back out. And there's a reservoir on the on the way to work where the fog makes little wisps over the water.
You'd be really jealous then. Open and rolling land, so you can be driving along in the clear, then go down a hill into fog and come back out. And there's a reservoir on the on the way to work where the fog makes little wisps over the water.

There's a cliff like that on the way to Los Angeles. I love it! It gets really foggy for about 10 min I think then we get back on the road and it's hot. :/
Fire and Brimstone with some Swamp Ass.

right now it's 11:29pm and 77 humidity 96%.....tomorrow 90 humidity 65?% it's the humidity though, makes the air get all over you. You sweat and sweat but too much moisture in the air soit won't evaporate... you baste in your own juices. It has cooled off though, the humidity is lower than it has been most of the summer...I think TWC is lying right now about the humidity, I don't think it's 96, but it's still dank.
I'll fly to Salt Lake City tomorrow, and the temperature will be 97! I look forward to meet my friends and let's see how I handle their hot weather. :eek3:
Fire and Brimstone with some Swamp Ass.

right now it's 11:29pm and 77 humidity 96%.....tomorrow 90 humidity 65?% it's the humidity though, makes the air get all over you. You sweat and sweat but too much moisture in the air soit won't evaporate... you baste in your own juices. It has cooled off though, the humidity is lower than it has been most of the summer...I think TWC is lying right now about the humidity, I don't think it's 96, but it's still dank.

The only sweat I wanna see at the beach is on my drink!
73 right now, and it looks like it won't go above the mid 80's for the next seven days!
78, real feel 77. Temperatures will climb all next week.
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

77 degrees F
We just returned from the Bay Area where it was a beautiful 74 degrees. Now home and it is 98 degrees. It was nice while it lasted:):)
Gah it's so hot! My computer says it's 95 degrees outside right now and its 7:16 pm here! :cool2: I wish it were cold already :cold:
Gah it's so hot! My computer says it's 95 degrees outside right now and its 7:16 pm here! :cool2: I wish it were cold already :cold:

Same here, but at least this weeks temperatures show high of 91 the next 7 days. Sad, but that is a big cool off here, right??:cool2:
True, but it's still really hot. There was only cold one day. It was last week i think and it was i want to say 78. I loved the little breeze.