What would you do if you caught your

You do have some ability to do anything to make your life better. You will know what to do next. If something happens to you and it would be their LOSS. They have no idea how great you are.
if I had a guy I am in love with if he cheated on me I wud never stayed with him cuz like the motto goes once a cheater always be cheater :roll:
Originally posted by funnybebe78
if I had a guy I am in love with if he cheated on me I wud never stayed with him cuz like the motto goes once a cheater always be cheater :roll:

hmm I never had any of those experiences before, hmmm I'll ask my bf, why did ya cheat?

but if no comments from him, then too bad *bye, bye*
Originally posted by e
GF/BF cheating in FRONT of you?!

:dunno: I've never experienced this before and I hope it'll never happen to me! Well, I'll find out right there after I saw them cheating, I might get snapped. I guess I might go :crazy: and hurt him physically then leave him! Hehe

e is there a message for Alex in there somewhere?
Probably be Heartbroken and leave the place, Dunno apparently or mite kick them arse out as i am experience in Kickboxing for 12 year...
Originally posted by eternity
You got a sense of humor. :naughty:

After you shove his penis in his anus then what are you going to do with the girl who cheat(ed) on you, eh?
I'd say to her, "Now, how are you going to fuck him?" Then walk away.
if my gf cheat on me. I will leave her for good, never been back a friend or gf nothing. move my ass a new life.
If my bf cheated on me, I would just kick him in the balls and say "why the hell you have to do that for" I would dump him just like that.. If he ask for forgiveness, forget it!
i know what its like to be cheated on and cheating on, theres an old adage of cheating. some poeple aren't meant to stay with the lovers of thier choice. So it's only fair to say, No one has an excuse, all u have to do is be honest simple as that.
KICK his ass lol no I am not like those girls that will attack the guys car like with a baseball bad or key the car........or make a scene I would be like your loss fuck you bye bye.........and get myself another man :)

but I saw on tv there is a trick but you have to be sure that the guy is cheating......... get a thong that is SO obviously not yours and pretend to discover it from his couch, say you are looking for the remote and pull out the thong and say what the hell is this....
Oh, I just thought of this..... When I get snapped, I'd like to do the Lorena Bobbit choppin' style! :twisted:
If it's a girl I love, I'd probably be pissed and start cursing before I leave without doing her any harm. The guy, well, I'd have to kill him. ;)
Yea, been there done that. My ex was cheating with someone else right front of my face. It like a knife stabbed right through my heart.
I would have my sweet revenge on my bf by doing with other guy so he would taste his own medince and work out or move on.
If i caught him cheating, i'd be like :shock: then :madfawk: and leave