What would you do if aliens come to earth?


New Member
Mar 23, 2009
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I would love to see any aliens come to earth! also they can help to heal all human to get rid of all dangerous diseases like cancer, aids, etc. :D
I would probably be a little cautious. They could be like the ones in War of the Worlds.
I would love to see any aliens come to earth! also they can help to heal all human to get rid of all dangerous diseases like cancer, aids, etc. :D

or.. what if they wanna invade us?
I'd send my son out to greet them. He's been very, very gassy and they would die of the stink. :laugh2:
I would grab the first hot woman I saw and.......
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Greet them , invite them to dinner and chat.
lol how do you know who they are? Do you work for MIB? :cool2:

Well, what I mean...depends if they're bad or good aliens....then I will decide to panic or treat them nicely.
I would love to see any aliens come to earth! also they can help to heal all human to get rid of all dangerous diseases like cancer, aids, etc. :D

Sounds like an OLD Twilight Zone episode where a small Mexican village was "terrorized" by a alien landing and trying to offer something, he got shot/killed and the gift he was offering was burned... someone put out the fire and read what was left... it was a cure for cancer. A lesson in letting fears get ahead of better judgment.

In answer to the question... what I would do depends upon their intent towards us.
Well, what I mean...depends if they're bad or good aliens....then I will decide to panic or treat them nicely.

To me it doesn't matter if they are good or bad......I am still going to use the opportunity to grab the first hot woman I see and.....:lol: