What kind of job that you work for a company?

Im a full-time poultry processor/part-time dog trainer. Im hoping to go back to school next fall if funds are sufficient to finish my degree while balancing those two jobs plus motherhood. :eek::
I do not have a job as I now work for myself.
I find it has great benefits and I can ask myself for a raise anytime I wish by simply putting forth more effort and assisting others to do the same. I never had that opportunity when I was working in the "rat race" in Corporate America.
Also my commute is the best....5 seconds down the hall to grab a cup of coffee in my home office. Oh but sometimes I have to stop and pet the cats!
I'm working for a deaf website:deafloves.com. You can check it in my signature.
I work for the grocery store as a bagger/grocery dairy, part time. Grocery dairy is much better than bagger. I hate to be a bagger....

BTW, Cherry, you looks cute as hell, tho. heh
I work for the grocery store as a bagger/grocery dairy, part time. Grocery dairy is much better than bagger. I hate to be a bagger....

BTW, Cherry, you looks cute as hell, tho. heh

But, but, man, what if you bagged Cheri? :giggle:
Wal-Mart, mainly in grocery area as instock team.
I work as Technology Coordinator at K12 school for the state of Delaware.
I'm the community swashbuckler.



Richard: I found a holiday for you: link.