What are you thinking about? Part III

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Thinkin' it's time for me to get back on fitness club or else.
I am thinking about going to bed now as i will be working in the morning for 4 hour job as weekly cleaning...... So, GN all of you!
thinking on how much tired I am every day now, I just got home from a meeting about an hour ago and thinking how it felt nice to be back to short haired once again.
sound like you do need my superdorky help...

It might be called up should the big one get outta hand LOL the little one I can handle it's the big one's attitude that makes me worry-- just have to remind him that I could just leave him there... :hmm:
work harder, PFH!!
It might be called up should the big one get outta hand LOL the little one I can handle it's the big one's attitude that makes me worry-- just have to remind him that I could just leave him there... :hmm:
aww he's only 2.. I remember my father doing that, left me (drove around the block to see how I'd react, thought he'd teach me a lesson) when I was like 6 or 7, I grabbed the chance to RUN. he couldn't find me for next 2 days, called cops and everything.. now, who learned the lesson? ;)
Thinking about how much I hate things right now... I found out a few things about my ex girlfriend and I'm really hurting and really hating people. *sigh*
I thinking about my apprehension and excitement for my trip tomorrow and the weekend.
Thinking about what will happen tonight with Verizon.
Thinking about how much I hate things right now... I found out a few things about my ex girlfriend and I'm really hurting and really hating people. *sigh*

*pat pat pat*

do tell.
I thinking about my apprehension and excitement for my trip tomorrow and the weekend.

same except the apprehension & excitement part. Going to Boston for the weekend with friends.
work harder, PFH!! aww he's only 2.. I remember my father doing that, left me (drove around the block to see how I'd react, thought he'd teach me a lesson) when I was like 6 or 7, I grabbed the chance to RUN. he couldn't find me for next 2 days, called cops and everything.. now, who learned the lesson? ;)

Oh girl... its my brother I can leave lol
Thinking about what will happen tonight with Verizon.

I am thinking Verizon just lost a customer. I will pay this month's bill then I will see about getting out of the contract on my phone only and go to AT&T later. I do not recommend Verizon as they have bad customer service, what service you do get is a customer rep that is more worried about getting you off the phone as quickly as possible rather than actually taking interest in the customer and the customer request. Stupid.
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