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Mar 14, 2003
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Use ur concept: What would u do if u were deployed to War?

I still support Bush for going war. Now, we are at the war. :P
Originally posted by shao
When is China gonna strike at Iraq anyway?

But there's something I just don't understand...

I thought that China has a dictorship there and I thought we weren't allowed to be allies with any countries that has dicatorship like Cuba and Iraqu do...so what's up with that??

Honestly, I would trust the Japanese because of their freedom they have there, and they have tons of powerful weapons too, and of course, they have tons of genesises for the war stuff, you know.
China is not an ally of the US. China agreed with Russia and France not to vote to allow UN approval of war.

Japan was not allowed to have an army for years, just a small defensive force for homeland protection. I don't know about now, but I think Japan's policy still is to avoid wars and be peaceful.
Originally posted by Steel
When is China gonna strike at Iraq anyway?

But there's something I just don't understand...

I thought that China has a dictorship there and I thought we weren't allowed to be allies with any countries that has dicatorship like Cuba and Iraqu do...so what's up with that??

Honestly, I would trust the Japanese because of their freedom they have there, and they have tons of powerful weapons too, and of course, they have tons of genesises for the war stuff, you know.

lol... china dont have a dictorship... china is not that ally of us, china is not that enemy of us... i dont know why china is not interested to support the war on iraq. if china support the war on iraq with us, china will lost its old long ally, north korea. nk is only china's last ally.

russia refuses to support... because they lack the money support for military. they have out-of-date weapons. they are weaker than us.

france um.. um.. just passive country.
China is run by communists which is close to dicatorship, but not really... Taiwan is a different story though.

I do not believe that lack of military supplies or might is the reason to not approve the tacts of Bush to invade Iraq and kick Saddam out. I think from a moral standpoint, what we are doing is wrong. Of course, Saddam is an evil person, but we have enough problems in our country that we need to deal with before worrying about another country. Germany also is on France-Russia-China's side. As far as I know, only England and Australia have sent their troops to support the campaign. As for the other 40 countries which "supports" US, it is only "support" on paper, no military support at all whatsoever. Most people who I know are against this war, so I am having a hard time finding people who wants this war. Strange..
Russia already has enough of their problems at home to deal with, especially with Checnya. Do not forget that the Russians have been dealing with terrorist attacks on their land too, several subway stations in Moscow have been bombed by terrorists and also the national theatre was held hostage a few months ago. So, they certainly know what it is like to deal with terrorism. They just are bright enough to understand that Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism attacks.
France is not a passive country. They have nuclear weapons and power. I think that the Americans only see one side of the story. I watch France 2 TV all the time, and BBC TV and Deutsche Welle TV, and it is amazing how different countries present their news. The US news are showing Iraqi soldiers just waving American soldiers coming in. The French news shows a lot of Iraqi soldiers being resistant and so on. Now, who are really being BRAINWASHED? Think about it.

I am watching American news right now, and they are saying that Saddam Hussein is wounded, bla bla bla. Then I switch to French news, and they say that the US is playing a game of "disinformation" by creating lies to make Iraqi people give up 'cos they think their leader is dying. Interesting!

Moreover, France has a large Arab population. I think about 1 or 2 percent of the population is Islamic in religion. French people have co-existed with Arabs for a long time, especially after the Algerian War. There is less hatred towards Arabs in France than I see in the US.
i think the reason.. china refused allied to USA coz USA gave them a lame apologized.. :dunno: thats what i had heard from my teachers in high school yrs.. i dun remma when...
Yeah, when the US was bombing Belgrade in Yugoslavia few years ago, we accidentally bombed the Chinese Embassy and they got mad at us about it. Still, China and US has never been the best of friends.
It was when Clinton was President... and he was the "best president ever"...I see :roll:
Yeah, Clinton was interesting, because he knew he never could get UN approval, so he went around UN and to the NATO, to get help for the campaign to stop "enthic cleansing" that was happening in Kosovo and Serbia. I didn't agree with that either. But he did make our debt drop for 4 years in a row!
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