Things you've figured out by your own self before?


New Member
Feb 20, 2014
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My mom I think figured out by herself that X does come before Z in the alphabet.

GML stands for Game Maker Language

I figured out how to properly use variables (Game Attributes) in Stencyl.

I figured out by myself ways to do if relative in GML without error and also without errors.

I figured out by myself excellent Roulette strategy called Single Number Fortune which is where you bet on all single numbers yes including 0
although there are more double numbers such as 13 than single numbers on a Roulette board, still the Single Number Fortune strategy costs less money and therefore is the player loses he or she loses less than losing bets on all double numbers and if the player wins the player still gets highly decent pay.
I figured almost everything out on my own being deaf in a hearing world.
I figured out how to be responsible paying my bills and not be late. I am, however, still trying to figure out how to better manage my money.


Sent from my Asus Memo Pad using AllDeaf Mobile App
Its a dog eat dog world. Learned that when I was 5 years old... as far as I'm concerned, I'm on my own!
I figured how to get buzzed because no one cares to spend time with me those days.
Before attending college, my dad gave me his Honda Accord. The problem? Had to learn how to drive a manual transmission in 1 month! Thank god for large empty lots on base! :D
Something else I figured out how to do-- not to get into fights. I have a way of resisting to throw a punch, and for the most part, I prefer to use words instead of physical action-- it'll go easier for me if I don't throw any punches at all, and I've gotten very good at that.
I get to learn the manual transmission in the company truck around the property :D

Before attending college, my dad gave me his Honda Accord. The problem? Had to learn how to drive a manual transmission in 1 month! Thank god for large empty lots on base! :D
I was schooled from the School of Hard Knocks....:giggle:..couldn't cook...until I was 19 or so....:shock:...tried to fry hamburger in a pan full of grease and scrambled eggs in a pan full of husband took the Pan and threw it out the back door....he said..."Mamma's coming to teach you how to cook!"...Poured bleach in the colored clothes too....ahh...been a lonnnng road.
Programming. A lot I've learned on my own (Visual Basic, VBA, vbscript etc).

Can't think of anything else. A lot of computer related stuff I've had to figure out on my own... networking, wireless (especially with a MAC in the mix lol). Though I had to ask for help on why our printer stopped working on the wireless though (working now thankfully).

ohhh I so want to learn manual transmission again. My sister and mother tried to teach me. I did okay in the school parking lot near our home but when we left the lot I managed to stall the car in third gear...then restarted the car... still in third gear. They made me get out and not drive anymore. Haven't touched a stick shift since. I've had 2 friends promise me they'd teach me. #1 was supposed to when we lived in the same state- never did. #2 I know will if I ever get to move to that state.
ImageUploadedByAllDeaf1393827031.677778.jpg I learned how to draw on my own. Nothing aas epic as some of you, but it's something I love.
You should make a career of that. Those are lovely pictures, and I can see you have good talent.

Wow, thank you! I just like to do it for fun though. When you start putting price tags on something it becomes less fun more work... Well to me anyways. :)
Wow, thank you! I just like to do it for fun though. When you start putting price tags on something it becomes less fun more work... Well to me anyways. :)

No need for price tags. Takes the fun out of being creative. I think you could use that talent to do something wonderful. Who knows, maybe, just maybe you'll inspire someone to try their hand at it?
No need for price tags. Takes the fun out of being creative. I think you could use that talent to do something wonderful. Who knows, maybe, just maybe you'll inspire someone to try their hand at it?

I like that idea! Thanks again for the complement. Inspiration is what drives me.
I like that idea! Thanks again for the complement. Inspiration is what drives me.

Inspiration does drive people, as does motivation. I can see that your artwork has a chance to be inspirational to someone.
I figured out how to be responsible paying my bills and not be late. I am, however, still trying to figure out how to better manage my money.


Sent from my Asus Memo Pad using AllDeaf Mobile App

That is something that took me awhile to learn. I used Dave Ramsey's money saving advice and am almost debt free! Good luck to you. :) it just takes practice.