The Secessionist Campaign For the Republic Of Vermont

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Sep 14, 2006
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Source is Time.

I just came across this article and it's of interest to me:

The President on Wednesday may have reassured Americans that the state of the Union is "strong," but, just the week before, a group of Vermont secessionists declared their intention to seek political power in a quest to get their state to quit the Union altogether. On Jan. 15, in the state capital of Montpelier, nine candidates for statewide office gathered in a tiny room at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, to announce they wanted a divorce from the United States of America. "For the first time in over 150 years, secession and political independence from the U.S. will be front and center in a statewide New England political campaign," said Thomas Naylor, 73, one of the leaders of the campaign.

A former Duke University economics professor, Naylor heads up the Second Vermont Republic, which he describes as "left-libertarian, anti-big government, anti-empire, antiwar, with small is beautiful as our guiding philosophy." The group not only advocates the peaceful secession of Vermont but has minted its own silver "token" — valued at $25 — and, as part of a publishing venture with another secessionist group, runs a monthly newspaper called Vermont Commons, with a circulation of 10,000. According to a 2007 poll, they have support from at least 13% of state voters. The campaign slogan, Naylor told me, is "Imagine Free Vermont." In his fondest imaginings, Naylor said, Vermonters would not be "forced to participate in killing women and children in the Middle East."

Second Vermont Republic's gubernatorial candidate is Dennis Steele, 42, a hulking Carhartt-clad fifth generation Vermonter and entrepreneur. He owns Radio Free Vermont, an Internet radio station, and honchos an online venture called Steele says that, if elected, his first act in office would be to bring home Vermont's National Guard from overseas deployments. "I see my kids going off to fight in wars for empire 10, 15, 20 years from now," said Steele, who served three years in the U.S. Army. "People in Vermont in general are very antiwar, and all their faith was in Obama to end the wars. I ask people, 'Did you get the change you wanted?' They can't even look you in the eyes. We live in a nation that is asleep at the wheel and where the hearts are growing cold like ice."

Steele and the secessionists have nothing but contempt for Vermont Senators Bernie Sanders and Patrick Leahy, who are otherwise considered among the most liberal members of Congress. "They've done nothing to stop the wars," says Steele flatly. Thomas Naylor was more pointed: "Every time a Vermonter serving in the National Guard gets deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, likely to be hurt or killed, Bernie and Patrick are there to commemorate the departure and have pictures taken."

With 20 or so mostly middle-aged attendees looking on, the candidates each stood at the podium to deliver a remarkably unified message: The U.S. government, they said, was an immoral enterprise — engaged in imperial wars, propping up corrupt bankers and supersized corporations, crushing small businessmen, plundering the tax-base for corporate welfare, snooping on the private lives of citizens — and they wanted no more part of it. "The gods of the empire," Steele told the room, "are not the gods of Vermont."

"It's an abusive relationship we have with the central government," says Peter Garritano, a square-jawed 54-year-old Subaru sales manager who is running for lieutenant governor. "We know it's scary to leave the abusive nest. It's a comfort zone in its own way. But we think we'll do better leaving."

An independent Vermont, the group believes, would expolit its already highly developed local small-scale agriculture, its "locavore" farm exchanges, with a tax structure reformed to incentivize small business and industry (and to make life difficult for large out-of-state corporations). By 2020, they foresee Vermont producing at least 75% of its own electricity and heat, using wind-, solar-, biomass- and hydro-power. They want to establish a Bank of Vermont owned by the people of Vermont — freed from the arbitrary controls of central bankers — as well as a local alternative currency, with Vermont pension and operating funds invested not in Wall Street but in locally owned financial institutions. "We favor devolution of political power from the state back to local communities, making the governing structure for towns, schools, hospitals and social services much like that of small, decentralized states like Switzerland," declares the group's "21st Century Statement of Principles."

Seven secessionist candidates declared for seats in the state senate. Among them is Robert Wagner, 46, an economist who is also a computing consultant with Oracle Inc. Wagner, who homesteads with his wife and six-year-old son in the Green Mountains, says that current U.S. law enables multinational corporations to abuse Vermont as a "resource colony." Citing a 2008 study by the University of Vermont, Wagner says the state stands to gain over $1 billion a year in revenue by taxing equitably the corporate behemoths that exploit Vermont's "commons," which includes everything from the state's groundwater, surface water, wildlife and forests, to the public spectrum of the airwaves. According to the UVM study, for example, Coca-Cola, Nestle and Perrier and other refreshment manufacturers avoid $671 million in taxes for the environmental damage incurred by their siphoning of state groundwater.

But what about that comfort zone of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps, plus the infrastructure currently funded by the federal government, including bridges, roads and particularly the interstate highways? One analysis by a researcher at the University of Vermont found that the state only gets 75 cents back for every dollar it hands over to the federal center. The secessionists say they'd prefer to save their money and keep it at home. "Not only would an independent Vermont survive," says Naylor, "It would thrive, because it would free up entrepreneurial forces heretofore held in abeyance. We're not preaching economic isolationism. We want to confront the empire, and that doesn't mean just owning a Prius and keeping a root garden."

I wonder if anything will come out of it. Their politics are not exactly mainstream but then neither are the Teabaggers.
Alot of States are talking about it. I don't see it happening. Could though if things keep getting worse. It is a big topic here in TX. NM has discussed it too which is strange to me. People in California have discussed it which is kind of funny given their states economy. There is even a group that has discussed a coalition of gulf states.Doubt anything will happen though.
Texas tried but failed. It is only the few that will make a wave to break away but the voters will stop them.
Texas tried but failed. It is only the few that will make a wave to break away but the voters will stop them.

Failed???? The movment is still going. It is still a popular topic and they still have meets
It won't work. Haven't they learned a lesson from a civil war? Apparently not. We are NOW united!
It won't work. Haven't they learned a lesson from a civil war? Apparently not. We are NOW united!

Alot has changed since the civil war. Texas would do well if it chose to go it alone. Real well. Not that I support that.

Landlocked seceded countries don't tend to last long unless they got neighbouring allies.

Landlocked seceded countries don't tend to last long unless they got neighbouring allies.

:lol: Can you imagine an air blockade stopping the exportation of those teddy bears.......:laugh2:
:lol: Can you imagine an air blockade stopping the exportation of those teddy bears.......:laugh2:

Those bears and maple syrup will be exported. The Bloc Quebecois will secretly finance an underground struggling run led by Celine Dion (under the alias of Pierre DeJour) behind Stephen Harper's back.
The liberals and conservatives of those respective states are just stupid - they cannot just decide, "ok, I want this for our people and I don't give a damn about you people!"

Learn! Deal with it.
The liberals and conservatives of those respective states are just stupid - they cannot just decide, "ok, I want this for our people and I don't give a damn about you people!"

Learn! Deal with it.

Um... yes, they can.

Otherwise the dealio about Quebec separating wouldn't be taken seriously once a decade.
Those bears and maple syrup will be exported. The Bloc Quebecois will secretly finance an underground struggling run led by Celine Dion (under the alias of Pierre DeJour) behind Stephen Harper's back.
The liberals and conservatives of those respective states are just stupid - they cannot just decide, "ok, I want this for our people and I don't give a damn about you people!"

Learn! Deal with it.

Why not???
Alot of States are talking about it. I don't see it happening. Could though if things keep getting worse. It is a big topic here in TX. NM has discussed it too which is strange to me. People in California have discussed it which is kind of funny given their states economy. There is even a group that has discussed a coalition of gulf states.Doubt anything will happen though.

I have to agree with you on this one. I doubt anything will come out of it unless circumstances change drastically. I hadn't known that the Vermont movement has been going on for years when I first posted this.
If they do it and prove successful... I see a lot of states following.

Only if Boulder became it's own country, I'm in heaven.
Failed???? The movment is still going. It is still a popular topic and they still have meets

Yes, failed! I cannot remember the year but the Texas secession was a national publicity but did not have enough Texas voters to vote for it. I was not talking about the movement itself as it has been around since Revolution. Its just all talks and threats of disgruntled few.
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Oh interesting but I doubtfully about any states will secede from US and I know about Vermont isn't land of teabaggers either since it is more reasonable thing to say.
Yes, failed! I cannot remember the year but the Texas secession was a national publicity but did not have enough Texas voters to vote for it. I was not talking about the movement itself as it has been around since Revolution. Its just all talks and threats of disgruntled few.

In this case a few=over 1 million. I think you are confusing the secession movement and the Republic of Texas claim that Texas was nnot legally annexed.
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