Target Insurance Companies

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Oct 4, 2006
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Over the years......the thing that made health care ridiculously expensive was unregulated insurance cost....but the tripwire was malpractice suits........ridiculous lawsuit over tiny stuff...if you had the money for good lawyers you could force a settlement rather than docs paying lawyers to fight it. Manipulated settlements became common...but courts let outrageous settlements become the norm...yes ..unregulated republican business practices favoring the wealthy again. republican nonregulation practices which they claim opens up business world ends up clogging it all up in the end.
Doctors and health care were forced to become very selective in who could be patients....and prices went thru the roof to cover malpractice insurance. docs could lose everyting they worked for if not covered. And not played the selective game.
National coverage is easily obtainable if we get and malpractice coverage into a decent range.
Medical insurers are just being selfish pigs crying foul. the party is over pigs.
It was those republicans who have tried to introduce bills on tort reform on numerous occassions only to get them shot down by Democrats. Lawyers are the democrats' favorite lobbyist group by a large margin over republicans. Go after them for a change.

How do Democrats and Republicans stand on tort reform issues?

"Tort Reform" is a very partisan issue. At both the state and national levels, Republicans overwhelmingly support tort reform and Democrats oppose it. The trial lawyer associations which represent plaintiff lawyers are major contributors to the Democrats. Insurance and medical interests contribute heavily to Republicans. In fact, the tort reform debate can be considered as an aspect of the overall political dynamic involving distribution of the nation's wealth. The most contentious issues involve medical malpractice and product liability. The result of settlements and verdicts of these cases is a transfer of wealth from groups which tend to be wealthy to victims and their lawyers. Virtually all the reform proposals ultimately attempt to limit the amount of funds which are distributed in this fashion.
Tort Reform

"republican nonregulation practices"..????

There are always regulations and both parties do present and vote on bills regarding regulations.
Nothing there is clarified.
Firstly.....claim that republican want reform to keep the monies in hands of wealthy .........limit settlements is good....but thier intention is to keep it in the hands of insurance companies.....not so much in hands of health. Why would health care want to lobby (and contribute) to give money to insurance can't have it both ways buddy.
Key word being 'Virtually all' about the sector that doesn't fit in there...........
and who is your writer anyway? some biased writer perhaps.
I seem to recall Clinton administration as the ones who started reform on issue.
The point is that it is something that whould be worked on together with this health reform and not turned into politics.
Playing politics...yes repubs are indded the nonregulation's no big secret.

It was those republicans who have tried to introduce bills on tort reform on numerous occassions only to get them shot down by Democrats. Lawyers are the democrats' favorite lobbyist group by a large margin over republicans. Go after them for a change.

Tort Reform

"republican nonregulation practices"..????

There are always regulations and both parties do present and vote on bills regarding regulations.
It was those republicans who have tried to introduce bills on tort reform on numerous occassions only to get them shot down by Democrats. Lawyers are the democrats' favorite lobbyist group by a large margin over republicans. Go after them for a change.

Tort Reform

"republican nonregulation practices"..????

There are always regulations and both parties do present and vote on bills regarding regulations.

Still have failed to explain why tort reform in states that have instituted medical malpractice caps have not significantly reduced rising medical costs.
He can't seriously be trying to convey the image that repubs are working to turn wealth from the rich to the poor?
Repubs are totally in the other ballcourt. Is the purpose of thier existence. just more hyperbole spun from nothing.
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