Story about 21 week old fetus


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Jun 1, 2018
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Here is a story I found very moving so I would like to share it with everybody.

Story about 21 week old fetus

By Kyra Clark -

"Today is my 21 week old birthday!"

To some that may not seem like a big deal but for me, it's a true milestone showcasing my growth!

I'm starting to feel my legs grow a little longer... My heart beating a little stronger. Though I can't breathe on my own yet, I keep practicing on making these "breath like movements". I've been doing so ever since I turned 9 weeks and can't wait until I get to breathe on my own for the first time.

It's been about a week now since I've started hearing as well! Although I can't hear too well, I can make out the familiarity of my Mommy's voice, the kind person of whom carries me, and had been carrying me for 21 weeks so far... I know it must be hard, having to be burdened by the extra weight of my growing body within her, and heavens knows how much I eat! But she's carried me thus far and I am so grateful. My mommy is the best and though I cannot see her, I love her.

It's also getting tight within her womb, so I rearrange my legs, giving a little kick.. "Sorry mommy!"

Once I get comfortable, I begin to drift to sleep....

A sudden pain awakes me... Something sharp and painful invaded my humble living space and hurt me. I don't know what it is but no sooner that it appeared, did it slowly fade... And as the sensation fades, I start to feel my heart race. Faster and Faster does it race. I start panicking. Suddenly, a pulling sensation begins drawing my body at an abnormal rate. Confused and scared, I scramble to avoid the sensation but to no avail... The comforting darkness that surrounds me suddenly feels to be gushing away, leaving me exposed and helpless. After a few minutes, the sensation passes... But still my small heart beats, even more out of control until another sensation takes over... A cold and metallic sting... And then I felt no more.

I have no name; I will never be able to breathe on my own, no matter how much I've practiced.

I am a victim of a 21 week surgical abortion. I am one of millions. And I am not the last…

In chronological order the baby described above undergoes 3 stages of a surgical abortion;

1) A fatal dose of Digoxin is injected into the amniotic fluid to give/induce a fetal heart attack.

2) A suction like tool draws out as much of the placenta and fetus as possible

3) A sharp metal like "scoop" is used to dismember and remove the fetus

It has been proven that babies can feel pain as early as 3-6 weeks. A 1984 video labeled as "The Silent Scream" vividly shows a baby desperately trying to avoid the tools inserted during the surgical abortion. The baby in the above story is reaching its 21st week in gestation, therefore a legal target for a surgical abortion, legal in 35 states after the 20 week gestation. The pain and suffering described in the story above is based upon scientific facts in an attempt to emphasize the true war in the womb. Every child should be given a chance at life and many are deprived of such a chance due to abortion; one of the leading causes of death in our nation.
