*sigh* Ya know, with all of the other issues and problems in our world, whether or not someone is gay seems to be an issue that doesn't even need to be an issue. Why should people care who someone else is banging and whether or not the "plumbing" meets with their approval. Love is in short enough supply in this society to deny it to anyone who has found it irregardless whether or not they are a same sex couple or not.

I am bi. If either of my boys were gay I would not care. I would love them and accept them. Of course I do not buy into the whole christian (crispie) ideology. So the whole idea that people who are 'wired' like this are some filthy abomination I find to be an abominable idea. It is because of the ignorance and stupidity of religious dogmas that are prevalent in Christianity and Islam that so many gays have either been murdered or have committed suicide because of being viewed or being made to view themselves as something filthy and evil. SO, where is the real evil in this scenario. :(
This was a fake set up kind of like "Candid Camera" to see how people would react to certain social situations. Only this one is not meant to be funny but to be a real eye opener to how people really would react to an intolerable social situation. As you can see, most people tend to not get involved. Only the most bold dare to get involved and stand up for that which is right.
Interesting. It's good for those people to face and handle when the situation happens and they have to deal with it.