Something that could perhaps reduce implantation?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Read this in my local paper today. Anyone think it's a factor that could possibly reduce the numbers of kids receiving implants? Yes, I know there's Medicaid, but only VERY VERY poor people are eligable for Medicaid. There are a HUGE number of people who are "middle class" who are uninsured and can't really cope too well with health care costs. This is one thing that AG Bell and the lovely folks who push oral don't realize....that making a kid depend on technology doesn't equate freedom in listening and talking, but rather increases their dependancy on a for-profit commodity!
deafdyke said:
Read this in my local paper today. Anyone think it's a factor that could possibly reduce the numbers of kids receiving implants? Yes, I know there's Medicaid, but only VERY VERY poor people are eligable for Medicaid. There are a HUGE number of people who are "middle class" who are uninsured and can't really cope too well with health care costs. This is one thing that AG Bell and the lovely folks who push oral don't realize....that making a kid depend on technology doesn't equate freedom in listening and talking, but rather increases their dependancy on a for-profit commodity!

The health insurance is increase base on the hopsital costs and I don't know if that has to do with us, and the 'people' cause the health insurance premium rose that fast due what reason? I work for the health insurance and learn alot thing they are going to effect which is sad to see that. Some state of various health insurance will not coverage for 18 years old until they are 21 years old due the college, not take care of themselve and several reason that insurance include mine work doesn't cover for 18 years old up to 21 or 25 years old on various states. It kind of alike the car insurance. Here Oklahoma is seem be lower number of pay insurance for top premium but still not fair for another states. I know the more cost if you are on indiviual insurance plan and it only cheaper if you work under the company as group health plan. The most cost is HMO than PPO and the middle is EPO is half of HMO and PPO. Sometime I am afriad that one too to face issue about insurance however my health insurance paid 100 percent of my cochlear implant surgery on July 15th this month. The insurance is follow the age; for example, if you are 40 years old and the monthly will possible 400 dollar per month for 80 percent insurance paid and 20 precent your reasponible. It kind of lot money and afriad in future will be possible like 2,000 dollars per month and who know we wll of us will stop using health insurance and that will lead to lay me off and include other employeer who work for health insurance that for sure all USA will or would screw up. The only I think that will solution if the hopsital keep the price down and flat not change. Mostly base on the hopsital price.....

So I don't see that will not prevent for kids getting cochlear implant. :type:
Andrew, did you read the link?
People who have access to insurance, yet can't afford it, even when it's subsidized by an employer, are adding to the nation's population of 37 million uninsured, a new survey by the Urban Institute found.
These are people who can't afford insurance. WIthout insurance you pretty much have to pay out of pocket for things. Not everyone is wealthy enough to afford to pay for things out of pocket.
Seeing that CIs are extremely expensive, I am sure that NO people who can't afford co-pays and deductiables and stuff like that will be able to afford the out of pocket costs of a CI. These are people who are "middle class" and aren't eligable for Medicare. They don't have access to really good healthcare. On the bright side, maybe insurance companies will start slashing coverage on CIs, so that people will have more trouble paying for maps, and batteries so that it will be harder to claim that oralism=freedom.
My mother is a single mother. We asked my father to help cover the cost of the CI. I watched my mother be stressed about how to pay the rest of the 20 percent that we had to cover. We learned too late that Medicaid could have covered the rest. We are not very, very, very poor people. Medicaid have guidelines of what they consider poor and low-income or middle-class income. It would have been good if my father contributed to help with the cost, but he didn't. We had to choice, but to go into SSI and Medicaid. I wanted to hear more and break down more barriers. It's a lot of cost, but putting deaf children in schools with interpreters, deaf schools...all of that cost LIFETIME of money. I am glad insurance cover CI. They don't cover hearing aids which is weird, but everything cost money. I don't know why CI should be an exeption. I improved best with HA on my language than without it, so it cost my mother money to fix the HA, replace earmolds, buy dri-aid kit, etc, etc, etc. I think it's best to focus on success rather than be greedy about shedding money for "unnecessary" prosthesis.
deafdyke said:
Andrew, did you read the link? These are people who can't afford insurance. WIthout insurance you pretty much have to pay out of pocket for things. Not everyone is wealthy enough to afford to pay for things out of pocket.
Seeing that CIs are extremely expensive, I am sure that NO people who can't afford co-pays and deductiables and stuff like that will be able to afford the out of pocket costs of a CI. These are people who are "middle class" and aren't eligable for Medicare. They don't have access to really good healthcare. On the bright side, maybe insurance companies will start slashing coverage on CIs, so that people will have more trouble paying for maps, and batteries so that it will be harder to claim that oralism=freedom.
well, I'm planning on getting CI myself.. and the insurance only pays 80 percent of the CI includes therpy, follow-up, mappings, surgery, etc...

however i have to pay 20 percent of leftover.. but there's a way of getting money to help pay for it.

There's some funds that cochlear agency will help pay for it if you show the prove of income, etc.etc.. they'll help you pay the rest of money depends on ur income, etc..
Yes, my hospital say that they can provide financial assistance if you have no other ways of paying for it providing your income. I qualified but because I had Medicaid, they paid for the rest of the cost.

DeafScuba, have you tried getting Medicaid? They are real lifesavers when it comes to CI expenses and hearing aids too. We all know that insurance plays no role in paying for hearing aid expenses. That's really sad.

And because my mother is single and my father did not want to pay for things. I believe it's okay for me to receive Medicaid. What other help could I have with only one income to rely on and some Child Support that wasn't enough?
deafdyke said:
Andrew, did you read the link? These are people who can't afford insurance. WIthout insurance you pretty much have to pay out of pocket for things. Not everyone is wealthy enough to afford to pay for things out of pocket.
Seeing that CIs are extremely expensive, I am sure that NO people who can't afford co-pays and deductiables and stuff like that will be able to afford the out of pocket costs of a CI. These are people who are "middle class" and aren't eligable for Medicare. They don't have access to really good healthcare. On the bright side, maybe insurance companies will start slashing coverage on CIs, so that people will have more trouble paying for maps, and batteries so that it will be harder to claim that oralism=freedom.
I understand what you are saying about those people who are middle class and aren't able to eligable. However, the medicare should be accept if you or child is deaf/disablitiy that what they called. They will asking a question why you want to get some some extra help. It is really depend on the people; however, out there do have fund for cochlear implant. I was conside to do that but the question where can I start because the due the price went up and up and up and more up. In the old time that cost 10,000 dollars. Today, it costs 60,000 and could like have explaination reason why that cost a lot. So far I learned that reason cost a lot because of speech/listen practice, facial nerve monitor to prevent damaged your nerves due the cochlear implant is near the large tube of nerves to the brain. Include stay over night while nurse or staff monitor you to be sure that your face is okay and stuff that you can move with your hands before you go home.

Sad thing I read some paperwork that my work decline people who request for heart liver or whenever it need for our health. What the main reason for insurance decline is you or person not taking care of themselve that more like won't help you because they are not interesting any money to spend on person. Same idea if person is driving the car and careless. Will the insurance is interesting coverage on your car?? Probably not same idea with our health.

Money I disagree is.. when you get older and the price go up and up and up.. thats bother me alot.
Forgot to add

I want to say about the medicare or mediaid will stop in 2006 until release in 2054. So it probably going hard for all of us due the man's fault and his name is Mr. Fish. He is one who responible with medicare money saving but he screw up. So far I don't know if they are confirm that will be no medicare or med aid after 2006 until 2054. Where I heard about this? On the CNN news..
HelloKittyGal said:
Yes, my hospital say that they can provide financial assistance if you have no other ways of paying for it providing your income. I qualified but because I had Medicaid, they paid for the rest of the cost.

DeafScuba, have you tried getting Medicaid? They are real lifesavers when it comes to CI expenses and hearing aids too. We all know that insurance plays no role in paying for hearing aid expenses. That's really sad.

And because my mother is single and my father did not want to pay for things. I believe it's okay for me to receive Medicaid. What other help could I have with only one income to rely on and some Child Support that wasn't enough?
i will try medicad tomorrow.. to see if i qualitify.. but in my own beliefs.. i probally won't qualtify.. because of my work provides insurance.. but i can try and explain to my social worker that i need it for batterys, and other expenses for it.. hope we can make a comprombise on it..
I had insurance through my mother when I was a student even when I worked. It all depends on your income, I believe.

Medicaid can become your secondary insurance while the one from your work is primary. So what ever your work insurance won't pay goes to Medicaid.

You're lucky to get this ahead of time because mom had to struggle paying out of pocket for the rest.
HelloKittyGal said:
I had insurance through my mother when I was a student even when I worked. It all depends on your income, I believe.

Medicaid can become your secondary insurance while the one from your work is primary. So what ever your work insurance won't pay goes to Medicaid.

You're lucky to get this ahead of time because mom had to struggle paying out of pocket for the rest.
how old did you got yours? and how u like it so far?

i just wanted it just because i want an easier life at work, etc. and hear my son's voice, or in case he joins music club i can hear his music things.. :D
Hi DeafScuba. My English speech improved and anyone understands me. I feel confident to voice for myself about anything because before I used to be skeptic if they'd understand my English.

Music IS enjoyable. Hearing aids didn't make most music enjoyable, but now it is. When you compare with the HA and CI, it's not the same anymore.

I also lipread people better. I do sometimes not understand people, sometimes maybe because they don't speak a little louder, they mumble or they just don't make sense LOL.

My mom says I don't ask her, "what?!" that much anymore unless well, I am mean and don't have the CI on ha!

BTW, I have my CI for 3 years.