Should You Be Worried? 10 Signs Of Alcoholism


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Apr 22, 2007
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Alcohol is the #1 abused substance in the world. It’s accessible to everyone, it’s cheap, and it’s a what many use to survive within reality. A large percentage of the population enjoys a glass or two of alcoholic drinks now and then, but there is a line you should not cross. How to know when your glass of wine, bottle or beer or other beverage becomes a serious drinking problem?

Read the 10 signs of alcoholism to learn more:
1Memory Problems and Blackouts

When we drink too much, the alcohol level in our blood is so high, it affects our brain functions and causes temporary memory loss. Blackouts and memory problems can be an indicator of alcohol abuse, especially if they are on regular basis. A certain sign you are addicted to alcohol is You Can’t Manage to Go a Day Without Drinkingdrinking until you have a blackout, or you pass out. This may cause severe brain damage, even permanent damage to brain functions.

2. You Can’t Manage to Go a Day Without Drinking


If you tried and you failed, you can be sure you have a problem. Trying to quit but not being able shows you are already at least somewhat addicted, and you probably will need professional help to get through this. We all try to control our alcohol intake; we decide when to have a glass of wine and when to refuse because we are driving or for other reasons, but not being able to say “no” to drinking is a serious problem. If you can’t do it by yourself, don’t be ashamed to talk to your friends or family and let them know you have a problem. They will help you and be there for support, so you know you are never alone in this. If you wait too long, your body becomes physically addicted to alcohol and your attempt to stop drinking could severely harm your health. Stop before stopping could kill you.

3You Drink to Cope with Life and Make It Bearable

Your reality is too much to handle, and you don’t have the strength anymore to cope with everyday problems, so you drink to make it easier and to cheer up? If you gave a positive answer to this question, you have a problem to deal with. You have to know no one’s life is easy nowadays, and most of us have daily problems and duties we need to face. If you can’t do this sober, you can’t do it drunk, and if you still choose to drink, when you wake up and get sober, the problems will still be there. Alcohol can cheer you up for a couple of hours only and doing this on daily basis leads nowhere else but into a bigger problem that you will have to face tomorrow morning. You need to understand that you need to make changes within your life so you can be happy without alcohol. Hanging out with friends can be fun without getting drunk if you are with right people who you like. Over time, alcohol will make you more sensitive, and after you drink, you can frequently either turn aggressive with others or depressed.

4. Drinking Just to Be a Part of the “Cool Group”

If you drink just to feel accepted in your social group, then you have a serious problem not only with drinking but a self-esteem problem as well. You won’t become a different or a better person after a few bottles of beer; you will just become tipsy and more talkative. But what you are saying the more your drink may not be that coherent or you might say or do things you regret. You can do this without the drink as well; you just need to work on your self-esteem. Be confident and proud of who you are. If a group of friends do not accept you for who you are, meaning no drinking, then they are not worth your time. Don’t ruin your life over opinion and approval of people who are shallow and don’t respect you enough.

5, Skin Problems

A visible-to-all symptom is a flushed skin and broken capillaries on your face. Reddish nose or cheeks are the sign there is too much alcohol in your blood, and the skin and smaller vessels have been damaged. In case you’ve noticed these kinds of changes on your face, you should watch your alcohol intake. Showing blood vessels and reddish face are a clear sign there is too much alcohol in your bloodstream. Cut down your alcohol intake or stop drinking completely before more severe and internal damage has been done.

6Relationship Issues


Are you arguing with your family or partner a lot more than before? Is it a coincidence you are drinking more than before? No, it is not. These two are related. Alcohol ruins friendships, family relations and love relationships because a person addicted to alcohol changes overtime. Our body is suffering damage, and our brain is suffering damage too causing mood swings and loss of temper, aggression or depression. People with a drinking problem withdraw from people, avoid seeing family or friend. Ruining relationships is a life-time damage. Consider asking for help before you chase away people who you love and who love you.

7. Trembling Hands

You had a rough night out, and you drank a lot, now you woke up with your hands trembling, and you are scared. Should you be worried? Yes. Trembling hands are a common sign of alcohol abuse. High alcohol intake causes your body damage, and you feel shakiness because the nerves of your body have been damaged due to a high level of alcohol in your blood. Trembling hands are one of the most common symptoms of alcohol abuse, and it might be time to seek professional attention and help.

8. Starting Your Day with Alcohol

Reaching for a glass in the morning is a sign something is very wrong. This means you are not able to start your day or go through it without having alcohol in your blood. Your brain activity is not normal, but you function under the influence of alcohol. This is not just your problem anymore. There is a high chance you will need to sit behind the wheel and drive somewhere. Driving drunk shows, you are not able to think properly anymore. You are not thinking how you are endangering other people’s lives with your drinking problem. Seek professional help before your problem takes someone else’s life.

9. You Hide Your Drinks

Drinking in secret shows you are aware that there is an issue and one of the signs of alcoholism. You know you shouldn’t be drinking, but you are still doing it because you can’t go without the alcohol. Secret drinking and hiding drinks clearly indicate there is a drinking problem you are not ready to accept and reach out for help. This is lying to others and lying to yourself. People who do this probably say to themselves they can stop any time they want while deep down they know this is a lie too. Don’t lie to people who you love and who care about you. Your decisions don’t affect only you, but their lives as well since you are a part of them. The addiction you suffer from is addiction millions people share with you and living in denial can cost you your long-term health, and you can lose good relations to people you lie.

10. You Feel Worse When You Stop

Stopping drinking is a nightmare if you are already addicted. Your body is so used to high alcohol levels in the bloodstream; it causes you troubles when you stop drinking. Symptoms such as anxiety, nausea and insomnia are common side effects of giving up drinking. Your brain functions are not as they were before you became addicted, and now your body needs to get rid of all the toxins before it can work properly again. This recovery will take some time. Drug addicts go through abstinence that is a more severe cleansing period, but the body goes through the same process: the toxins are going away from the body and blood. This is hard, and you will need support from people you love. Having a hand to hold onto in difficult times will help you gather strength to go through it and finally become free of alcohol addiction.