Scarlett Johansoon Snotty Tissue on Ebay

Ewww. who would buy a snot rag? Scientist? perhaps to clone her? lol

too gross!
This could be a ticket to the celeb world for the buyer. I'm sure there's more in for him/her, like future invitations to socialite parties or a free pass for the Jay Leno show until he retires.. Imagine a nobody getting an easy pass into it.

But back on topic. That's retarded.
Oh man...I'll pass and use my money for something more sane and productive! :laugh2:
Eww, that's nasty! :lol: I am just wonderin' what's next that she's tryin' to do ? Drop her feces and put it in a plastic bag on Ebay ? Urine ? :ugh:
This is AWESOME, it's a blatant slap on the face for the fan freaks!! Look! You just paid 5300 smackaroos for germs (which Im sure you have btw) on paper!

We should have more of this! Think about it people, if the person buys it so eagerly, does he or the charity deserve the $5300?

Come on celebrities! Start the trend of selling stupid crap (hopefully not HUMAN crap..) and giving it to charity!!