Say hello to iNCREDiPiNOY!


New Member
Jun 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hello alldeaf,

I'm new here, long time lurker. I'm not a internet celebrity but well-known active forum member on most sites. I'm deaf-hard of hearing, Filipino, single and self-unemployed. I was born & raised in southern California, i had hearing infection at birth due to ear deformation. After all these plastic surgeries, dentist, health care and hearing testing, i'm having financial issue because of that, lol! i'd never work before but did volunteered at tournament rose float. for my free time, i like to sell merchandise at online marketplace as part time job just to make enough money for foods, family, bills and expense. here i am, bored at home trying to find something to do. I like to play video games on PS3 and watch Blu-ray movies on High Definition. That's it about me and looking forward to seeing you all!

Sup man :wave:

There was a ton of posts the other few weeks and the introduction forum was flooded with new people, others got overwhelmed replying to them all.

Sounds like you have some internet rep going around. :cool:
Feel free to hang about the forums, lots of new people about, very few are actually hearing members.

I am from Southern california also.
Wirelessly posted

Hey. Welcome :). I think I've bought a blu ray or a ps3 game from you before - your username is familiar. Well, its great seeing you here and hope you'll enjoy this forum :).
Wirelessly posted

Hey. Welcome :). I think I've bought a blu ray or a ps3 game from you before - your username is familiar. Well, its great seeing you here and hope you'll enjoy this forum :).
i remember you've bought a wii game from me before.