Rosetta stone knock off for ASL

cool scary guy

New Member
Dec 4, 2010
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sorry, didn't intend for this to be so long.

There is not a Rosetta stone for sign language so I'm making one. or at least as close as I can get with out braking any copyrights or patents.

I've been working it out for about a month. I have the basic setup working. and will make a working demo this weekend . now is the time for feed back on what you guys think will work best. be fore I make a demo.

Here's what I'm working with so far

1st off this is not going to be an end all ASL program its more for getting your point across.

It will start with a video (probably animated) that shows 4 -8 signs , the English meaning in text and audio.

next 4-8 screens will be flash cards,
.... match the text/audio to sign
..... match the sign to text
...... matching sign to photograph
the screen will not move on unto the right one is clicked

then it will repeat with 4-8 new word . but the flash cards part will have some of the words from the 1st video mixed in.

big differences from Rosetta stone will be
1. Audio will always have matching text.
2. No audio input. .., No signed input.
3. You will be able to look up any word used in the program.
4. wrong answers will show in text only what you clicked on.
5. Its free

also using more than one photo / video for each sign so that people will remember the sign not the photo.

any way , after I write the base set up . its going to be pretty fast to ad to it. so RIGHT NOW . Is the time for any input , Ideas suggestions ...
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No input at all? I'm starting the finial scripting tonight. and. The volunteers are coming Sunday.

so if you have any ideas now would be the tine,
I don't really have any suggestions. Most of these members learned ASL at an early age. I don't think they needed an ASL course. Just wanted to say good luck with your project.
i didn't get to learn when i was young . It wasn't unto that nova exploded that i needed to learn.

I'm pretty much making the program that I needed , but couldn't buy ... at any price.
i didn't get to learn when i was young . It wasn't unto that nova exploded that i needed to learn.

I'm pretty much making the program that I needed , but couldn't buy ... at any price.

I am also learning as an adult, due to hearing loss. Glad you are inspired to do this.
I never got the chance to learn when I needed to. I am struggling to learn now.
I would help test it, but I don't understand what it is going to be.
more or less , video game style flash cards. but set up in an order that forces you to recall the sign not the card.

I wanted to have a demo of the finger spelling part .,finished last weekend but, the snowed stopped the models form coming over to film the live parts of it.
more or less , video game style flash cards. but set up in an order that forces you to recall the sign not the card.

I wanted to have a demo of the finger spelling part .,finished last weekend but, the snowed stopped the models form coming over to film the live parts of it.

I can probably be a tester when you are ready.
That sounds really cool! i just started today and am anxious to know more.
I would also be interested in that, sounds great. I can't believe Rosetta Stone hasn't done it yet.
you wanna help test it.

Hey CSG, if you need any hearing people whose ASL needs a LOT of work, or deaf 4 YOs with age-appropriate ASL who put their parents to shame with their grasp of the language, I'd love to test at any stage of your dev.
i'm not sure whats age-appropriate for a 4YO but i'm trying to keep everything pg-13 or under.

I have the base program working. but it snowed the day that the models were going to come over to film the signs.
This looks great! I can see people actually using this. I got all the letters right too, yay!
I'm thinking about making the signs on it match the Vocabulary part of's classes so that people can use both at the same time.
... but I'm not sure how that will go over.
I'm thinking about making the signs on it match the Vocabulary part of's classes so that people can use both at the same time.
... but I'm not sure how that will go over.

Well, you could always do that, but just add in additional signs. My "Gallaudet survival guide to signing guide" has 95% of the lifeprint signs, with additions.