Roomba Kitty

Awww, that's really cute and funny how the Roomba hitched him a ride LOL
LOL... It's so cute! (I saw it on the YouTube thru Yahoo...)
That reminds me of my sister's cat. A year old (Maine Coon) cat sits on the vacuum's power (I don't know what it is called, sorry...) while my sister is vacuuming. That surprised me that it doesn't bother the cat. He seems enjoying. How cute?! :)
My two cats run away while I am vacuuming. They don't like the noise. :giggle:
My gosh, I think that's so cute!

My two cats.. forget it. They scamper away and give me such wounded looks with big eyes when I sweep or vacuum. They think I'll suck them in with the vacuum cleaner. Even if you say "It's ok!", it won't work and they put up hissy fits.
My dogs would attack the vacuum and poor vacuum have all the teeth marks!

that's so cute of the kitty sitting on it! :giggle: