room mates...

it would be better if two person were married not dating to live together.

Living together as roommates when you are starting to like to each other is a possible problematic but going as far as hitting 3rd and 4th base while living together you might want to rethink the dating game.
I have all roommates in my experience. They are not good as I thought. :(

Therefore, I live myself alone. Ah.... peace...
I would. If you moved in with someone you were already dating, and you broke up, then you would just move out, right? Why is that different for a roommate you didn't start dating till after you were roommates?
oh my!! =D I.. yeah.. he's not hitting on me - he's married and im kinda-sorta-not-really-but-yeah taken.. lmao =X its all fun!
I wouldn't mind.... if we broke up... maybe we can continue as "friends with benefits" never know :)

Life would be very boring if you don't take risks-

Originally posted by pinkster
accckkk i was hoping bill wouldnt find this thread.. *hates self* :eek:

Oh, don't hate yourself just cos he found this thread. :) At least he reacted alright and not seeming to be scared away. ;)

Relax, Pinkster! Relax! Breathe! :ily:
*hyperventilates* *throws a refridgerator at silencegold* ohh sorry man, i slipped :twisted:
Originally posted by pinkster
*hyperventilates* *throws a refridgerator at silencegold* ohh sorry man, i slipped :twisted:

:rofl:!!!!!! Easy girl! Easy....! Runs to SG to check to see if he's alright -- and runs back to Pinkster to make sure she breathes into a paper bag to stop the hyperventilating. **Stands in between them to ensure no further issues will happen. ** ;)
har just missed me...otherwise, WaterRats13 wouldnt' be able to see me snce the refridgerator would hold me down. :p
Originally posted by SilenceGold
har just missed me...otherwise, WaterRats13 wouldnt' be able to see me snce the refridgerator would hold me down. :p

Unless you didn't tell us that you're strong as an ox or Hulk -- that you're able to toss aside the refridgerator with no troubles! ;)
hmm..*sticks SG in the fridge and locks it with chains then throws it out the window* :twisted:
Originally posted by pinkster
hmm..*sticks SG in the fridge and locks it with chains then throws it out the window* :twisted:

You can do better than that.... :p