Religion forum is now closed

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Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Members cannot make new posts in that particular forum. It was getting out of control and it needs to be closed for the time being.

Please do not create any religion related thread anywhere else.

Questions or comments? Post in here.

Thank you, thank you, Alex!

It was becoming difficult keeping up with the bad reports cropping up in the religious forum threads - it sure gave me a headache dealing with them.

Thanks again!
:ty: that´s stupid Religion destory people´s friendship for good that´s because the people have different view as them...
Alex, thanks...

I'm getting tired of argue and debate on other Aders, when criticize on my opinion then need break time away from them.

Respect around others should be shown up.
I am glad, it is closed religion forum. Too much conflict and disagree in our opinion and belief.

I wish, the cochlear implant forum closed too. It is too painful to hearing more and more Deaf children get the implants.

I couldnt believe how fast all these new religion threads were popping up. I am sorry but I found them to be entertaining to read cuz it is basically the same argument over and over again. :giggle:

I know I am bad!
OH GReat!!!!!

Thank Millions!!!! ALEX!!!!!! :)









I kinda stayed out of the religion forum myself because I did not want to go in there looking for a fight, but I did however enjoy looking at the occassional thread in there.

I say close it for a week or two until things die down a bit and those who want to continue a discussion can do so via PM system or emails as long as it does not come back to the AD forum and cause trouble and flame wars amongst members.

Then slowly let certain threads or topics be discussed until we can learn to be civil.

I like meaty topics, but I hate wallowing through insults and derogatory comments to see a good point made by one or both sides of the debate.
Good deal. That forum was singehandedly bringing down the quality of AD. I know I didn't help, but sometimes people let feelings get in the way of logic. Especially with topics like religion. You made a good choice, Alex.

Dixie, reopening it would result in the same: people bickering, not being able to respect other's beliefs. Every single person who posted on that forum just had to view everyone else with an opposing viewpoint as their enemy.

Good riddance.
Although I haven't seen it, I'm glad to see that it's closed.

I'm apathetic (means no action) about religion and politics. I say, who gives a fuck?

Thanks, Alex.
Alex, Thanks for closing it, some people show no respect on religious, and taking it way too personal to end a friendship over it. Whatever. Yea, Thanks Liebling. :ugh3:
Finally thanks Alex and I alway stay out of religious thread but noticed there hand out and bashing *smh*
Alex, Thanks for closing it, some people show no respect on religious, and taking it way too personal to end a friendship over it. Whatever. Yea, Thanks Liebling. :ugh3:

wow you named me here.

I am asking you to not use God issues as an excuse to mix with your belief because God issues has nothing do with your Religion belief or other Religion beliefs. It´s God and the bible, I am refer to in general way without name any Relgions. Got it?
Alex ,you did right. Religion debates shouldn't cause hate,bashing ... etc
Religion debates shouldn't cause hate,bashing ... etc

I agree, not everyone is going to see one side, but respect is the key on each religious. I haven't seen any respect so it's better off being closed. :x

And I'm happy too. :mrgreen:
Thanks a million, Alex. We never needed a religon forum anyway! :D
Thank you Alex!!!!

Why? because many christians are proselytizing SUBTLY...
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