Reinterpretation Music Bachelor thesis


New Member
Jul 11, 2019
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Hi everybody,

the topic of my bachelor thesis is the reinterpretation of instrumental music with animation and vibration. Especially i‘d like to research, how it‘s possible to translate music for deaf people to different signals than the hearing one in a credible way. My plan is a experimental installation in which music is played without any acoustic signal, mainly with emotional visuals and vibration.

To prepare my concept, it would be super nice, if you could give me some answers.

Here is a survey, that i‘ve prepared before:

It would be great if you could give me a little feedback to this survey and if these questions are understandable and even possible to answer for deaf people. Afterwards i would change these aspects based on your feedback and post the changed one here again.

If you have questions or any suggestions for me, i‘m open for everything ;)

Thank you very much in advance!