random thought thread

Hear Again

New Member
Jan 21, 2005
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hi everyone,

this is a fun thread designed to allow you to say whatever is on your mind. it could be just about anything...something you've wondered for a long time, something you're curious about or something that ticks you off.

here's my random thought to get things rolling...

why does 90% of the hershey's syrup you mix into cold milk end up on the bottom of the glass? :hmm:
IMO....becuz you pour the milk first, say one half in the glass, add syrup, stir very well, pour the rest of the milk, add the syrup and stir like hell. Guzzle it down to one-third of the glass, stir like hell again....and quickly consume the rest of the contents!
Random thoughts? All my thoughts are purposeful.

:hmm: Wait, was that a random thought about purposeful thoughts?
i keep wondering why if i eat a lot of chinese food then within 2 hours later, i am hungry all over again. Unlike italian food. :hmm: lame thoughts? huh ha ha
i keep wondering why if i eat a lot of chinese food then within 2 hours later, i am hungry all over again. Unlike italian food. :hmm: lame thoughts? huh ha ha


i think i know the answer to that. it's because italian food is more filling than chinese -- or so it seems to me. :giggle:
IMO....becuz you pour the milk first, say one half in the glass, add syrup, stir very well, pour the rest of the milk, add the syrup and stir like hell. Guzzle it down to one-third of the glass, stir like hell again....and quickly consume the rest of the contents!


i'll give that a try later tonight and let you know how well it works. :lol:
Wonder if my ASL would be more 100% of the use in the near future within my life? :hmm:
what time should I go to bed?....Isn't it "early to bed, early to rise....makes an ol' lady horny & wise"'??...shux...got that wrong there!...I go to bed whenever I darn please!
sometimes I wonder why men are jerk and using women for sex..

Am I right about men's brains are similar to dogs' minds? dogs just want to hump a lot like men..
I have too many random thoughts in my head to post them all here :giggle:

A major thing nowadays is: why are people getting so selfish and have no respect towards other people?????

I could scream all day long :mad2:
I've been singing for 2 1/2 years...I wonder if my progress is normal, or below average. :hmm:

I wouldnt be able to give you feedback since I cant hear at all.

I wonder if I will still be sick tmw and another day of plans get ruined?
wonder what's gonna jump out on me when I leave today....an ant? frog? buzzard?....