Pop Trip


New Member
Jul 19, 2006
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One day, there is a man name Mr. Pibbs, he wasn't feeling well. So he went to his doctor. His doctor's name is Dr. Pepper. He noticed something doesn't look good. So the Dr. Pepper said, you need to stop using coke and enjoying life of nature, take a vacation. So, Mr. Pibbs do what the doctor told him to. So he packed and left to go his favorite place. So, during his long trip, he pulled over have some fruits, and it was oranges, and amzingly, it stamped on by saying Sunkist. Then he went on with his oranges. And saw the sign which he has 7 Up miles to reach his destiny. So finally, he stopped his favorite place on Mt. Dew. And got out of the car and said, "AAAAHHH, the air is sooooo fresca!!! And took some pepsi, but got it messed up, it suppose to be Pecid, bec of acid from the oranges. Somehow, he met a woman who happen to be a ranger and her name is Ginger, so Mr. Pibbs gave Ginger, Ale. And her, if Canada Dry. She said, Don't know, if you go up there and find out. So his health and all is doing really well and enjoying his trip.