Phones & Has And Cis


Active Member
Nov 22, 2008
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I was just wondering how well does anyone's HAs or CIs help them with the phone?
I use my ComPilot with my cell phone. I just got the a set up at work that bluetooths my office phone to my Compilot. This is the best way for me to hear on the phone. I did use the tcoil in my HA at work while I was waiting for the device.
I wouldn't be able to talk on the phone without my HA and I have a Clarity landline phone that has a warning on it saying "LOUD volume use with caution " . I tried to talk on the phone without my HA and wasn't able to do it.
I wouldn't be able to hear at all without a CI so it definitely helps. I do use the phone occasionally but I'd prefer not to if I can avoid it. I find it quite hard to understand some people.
At one time I could use the phone with my hearing aids-- with T-coils and later DAI cord. These days (in the last 2-4 years at least), I can't use the phone well anymore- cell or otherwise. I do use the DAI cord for VCO calls with Video Relay though... But solo.. forget about it.
I have a compilot but it doesn't work. I'm not overly concerned about though. I do well on the phone with my CI if I put on speaker phone, as long as the person isn't from like India or something.

I should practice with one of my kids to figure out where to hold the phone where the sound is going in the mics.