Oregan woman sues Walmart over shampoo


Dec 28, 2012
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PORTLAND, Ore., April 16 (UPI) -- An Oregon woman whose hair used to reach her backside has filed a $10,000 lawsuit against Walmart for selling a shampoo that allegedly caused her hair to get so tangled she was forced to cut most of it.
According to Jennifer Fahey's suit, the bottle of “Equate Everyday Clean Dandruff Shampoo” she bought at a Portland Walmart caused her hair to become impossibly entangled in seconds.

“She was not able to remove the knots and as a result she had to cut a large portion of her hair from the top and back of her head,” the suit states.

According to Fahey’s attorney, William Ball, the 30-year-old woman had to cut off a few feet of hair, leaving her with about four inches, a loss he called “devastating.”

The suit, which was filed Monday in Multnomah County Circuit Court, also names shampoo maker Vi-Jon as a defendant.

Fahey’s is seeking the $10,000 for "past, present and future physical and emotional pain and suffering, anxiety, humiliation and embarrassment, expenses for replacement hair, along with diminished and lost wages” as well as the “loss of life’s pleasures and activities."

Jennifer Fahey sues Walmart for $10,000 over Equate Everyday Clean Dandruff Shampoo - UPI.com

Do you think the 'blood moon ' made people loony ?? LOL! There been a few strange news story posted tonight.
She should sue the makers of the shampoo not the store. LOL
:laugh2: I'm thinking it really did make people go crazy. It's insane what people will do to try and get money.

Lost wages ??? How does a bad hair keep you from working? Was the woman using her hair to fly to work ???
It doesn't. I'm saying she is trying to sue just to get $10,000. A "get rich scheme..."
She was being sarcastic and joking in the post...poking fun at the lady in my original post. If someone can't notice that I'll be concerned...
She was being sarcastic and joking in the post...poking fun at the lady in my original post. If someone can't notice that I'll be concerned...

I think he knows sounded like he was being sarcastic about her being sarcastic since being sarcastic makes it funnier than not being sarcastic about a woman suing walmart who knows maybe that woman was being sarcastic too and of course I'm being sarcastic about being sarcastic about someone else being sarcastic :hmm:
I think he knows sounded like he was being sarcastic about her being sarcastic since being sarcastic makes it funnier than not being sarcastic about a woman suing walmart who knows maybe that woman was being sarcastic too and of course I'm being sarcastic about being sarcastic about someone else being sarcastic :hmm:

Wow that is sure a tongue twister to say real fast! LOL!
:laugh2: It's okay. I have law instructors who are very familiar with civil courts...they'll represent us. Of course, them being able to represent us and not laugh through the entire court procedures would be hilarious. They might get arrested for contempt of court for laughter and sarcasm. :lol:

Or we could threaten her to shave her head...maybe she'd drop the lawsuit then.
:laugh2: It's okay. I have law instructors who are very familiar with civil courts...they'll represent us. Of course, them being able to represent us and not laugh through the entire court procedures would be hilarious. They might get arrested for contempt of court for laughter and sarcasm. :lol:

Or we could threaten her to shave her head...maybe she'd drop the lawsuit then.

Whew that is good to know ! I have long hair and it get tangled up when I wash it and I have to use a hair rise to detangled my hair . That lady does not have a leg to stand on in court and if it does get to court the judge should fine her for wasting taxpayers money and his time.
Oh I hope so. I get tangles in my hair when it's been long. I would always brush it before and after taking a shower. I've gotten gum in my hair once too and just trimmed it out. It makes me wonder what this woman had even brushed her hair or what she was doing in the shower before it got tangled.. :eek:
Oh I hope so. I get tangles in my hair when it's been long. I would always brush it before and after taking a shower. I've gotten gum in my hair once too and just trimmed it out. It makes me wonder what this woman had even brushed her hair or what she was doing in the shower before it got tangled.. :eek:

Yeah, I comb my hair before washing it to made sure it not tangles . This is bad as the mother that wanted to sue a fast food place b/c her kid was too fat . It would have been easier if the mom cooked healthy meals at home to eat. Will I better get some ZZZZ . My dog Marty is smart he been getting some ZZZZ for awhile.
Maybe, it's time this woman get a new hair do :giggle:

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:laugh2: Ooooooooh people..... Oh people.... :roll: They really will make a lawsuit over anything these days... :roll: Pathetic... Proof? :roll: Dumbass... If she were that concerned with her "beautiful flowing mane" why was she using Walmart brand shampoo anyways!? :roll: Good lord... :roll: :squint: Brush it out woman, JEEZE! :squint: Idiots... idiots everywhere... Conditioner maybe?!