one ear dragging you down?

It isn't a splitting of society into in/out groups. I don't shun those who are not deaf or not "in" a deaf group or deaf culture. You're thinking of high school-type cliques. That's not what deaf culture is. The supposed uproar about CIs has faded once it was realized that deaf people who opted for one weren't trying to become "hearing," but just to add some sound to their lives (which I suspect you are one such example, and so am I, even though I ended up not getting one after looking into it.) Frankly, your books are just that -- books. And written by individual (or co-) authors. Don't lump us into a "so-called" culture based off a book.
Perhaps a matter of appropriate labels. Doesn't the idea of cliques-"hearing" or "deaf" suggests a sociological "grouping"- In vs out?
As for the "deaf community?" getting "excited" that a Cochlear Implant actually "cured" deafness is incorrect.In the end is just "electronic device" which "tricks the brain" to accept "whatever the correct term is" as sound. Thus one can "hear sound"- people speaking, music playing etc-- assuming one can "accept" the Implant. Unfortunately it doesn't work on everyone. I understand the term "neural plasticity" deals with this.
Somewhat like wearing a pair of glasses to "assist" in correcting various problems.
As for whether the authors of "the Journey into the Deaf-World" Harlan Lane et al are correct in their thoughts re "deaf culture" is an exercise in Sociology. Is there really the "hearing Community" vs "Deaf Community". All 3 authors are Professors.
Again how persons here in ACTUALLY accept any of this-unknown?
As stated before, my "interest in all of this" started back in 1992- when I lost all hearing in my Right ear.( I was in the Profound level-85 db-left ear):wave:. From tests it was determined I wasn't suffering from "tumors/brain cancer" etc which might explain the lost. Advised that in the future would become deaf. Happened December 20. 2006. Thus my "interest" in this topic. Collected a lot of info from various sources. Irony: had a Cochlear Corp booklet on their Implants with Sunnybrook /Toronto giving me an Advanced Bionics-Harmony as being at that time a "better" one. Yeah even took 3 separate introductory ASL classes in 1997/98.
The utter futility of trying learn ASL- WITHOUT practice slowly "dawned" on me. Then as now- still don't "know" any deaf persons- except the few I met Cdn Hearing Society/Toronto- while taking Hearing Help classes.
Interesting discussion in Sociology. Bill

Implanted- Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07.
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Then I suggest you read the thread in this forum about labeling. You could stand to learn a new thing or two.
Yeah-an interesting discussion which does seem to suggest the thoughts I articulated--"in vs out". Reality?

Implanted Advanced Bionics- Harmony activated Aug/07
Yeah-an interesting discussion which does seem to suggest the thoughts I articulated--"in vs out". Reality?

Implanted Advanced Bionics- Harmony activated Aug/07

But you used "hearing" vs "deaf" as an example of "in vs out". I think you are confusing CHARACTERISTICS/DESCRIPTIONS of a person with social grouping. Are you saying that grouping male/female is also an "in vs out" thing?

Are you aware of the capital D Deaf culture? That's more of a social group thing. But even within that social group, you have even more groups and diversity. Just because one says that he is Republican doesn't mean he has the EXACT same beliefs as another Republican. That's real life....
But you used "hearing" vs "deaf" as an example of "in vs out". I think you are confusing CHARACTERISTICS/DESCRIPTIONS of a person with social grouping. Are you saying that grouping male/female is also an "in vs out" thing?

Are you aware of the capital D Deaf culture? That's more of a social group thing. But even within that social group, you have even more groups and diversity. Just because one says that he is Republican doesn't mean he has the EXACT same beliefs as another Republican. That's real life....


Deaf World is rather diverse, that is apt to say.
I am not the one who says that there is the such as "thing"as "hearing Community" or "Cultural Deaf Community" or "Real/ deaf who don't use ASL" or the "Blind/Deaf who use ASL"claiming it is a culture.
If it is correct that Cultural Deaf is only a social group than the discussion of it being cultural is irrelevant.
Glad to know-such a diverse SOCIAL GROUP exists for real/deaf- non ASL users. Cheers Bill

Implanted- Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I am not the one who says that there is the such as "thing"as "hearing Community" or "Cultural Deaf Community" or "Real/ deaf who don't use ASL" or the "Blind/Deaf who use ASL"claiming it is a culture.
If it is correct that Cultural Deaf is only a social group than the discussion of it being cultural is irrelevant.
Glad to know-such a diverse SOCIAL GROUP exists for real/deaf- non ASL users. Cheers Bill

Implanted- Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Let me know when people stop saying "It's a hearing world" (but it isn't! I live here too, you know) then I'll accept cultural deaf is just a social group.
I guess it will be when the " reconfiguration of humans" subsists without "hearing"-when? Your guess?
I live here too-real/ deaf -more than just a social/cultural classification -a physical reality not "self defined"!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Deafness is not a dominate culture in any society but it is a strong subculture in American and Canadian society. No one is trying to claim Deafness as a dominate culture.
You are correct no one has claimed that "deafness is a dominant culture" but a "strong subculture"-really?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
You are correct no one has claimed that "deafness is a dominant culture" but a "strong subculture"-really?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Absolutely - ask any respected, well read sociology or linguistic prof teaching in universities today - or any current respected university level Sociology text book. In Fact, Deaf Culture is actaully studied in BOTH of these courses for socio-linguistic reasons etc.

Actually in MB there is a Linguistics Prof Erin Wilkinson, who teaches the linguistics of visual languages (ie ASL, LSQ, LSF etc) who is especially suited to explain this ... she's Deaf herself and is fluent in many languages (and knowledgeable about the related socio-linguistics)
I met Erin recently! I really really like her. She is a very cool person and her ASL is amazing. I love how she signs. Totally an aside...but this is my thread which was thoroughly I am allowed! :)
How interesting! As for text book- the one I used was Sociology-Hagedorn from a Canadian perspective. There is NO reference to the "deaf".
Computer screen"drivel" might not be suggestive of reality-correct? Should be a topic in Sociology-- The grandiose effect!
At the present time I am NOT in university just "retired" and trying to "make sense" of what I read-here. At the present time I am NOT studying PsychoLinguistics or even "advanced swimming for the deaf".
Off to real work shortly. Cheers Bill

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07