My Intro


New Member
Jun 28, 2013
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Hey! My name's Val. As you can probably tell from my screen name I am a HUGE fan of the show Switched At Birth. I love how they make connections among hearing, HoH an deaf people. Anyway, I was recently diagnosed with Meniere's disease in my right ear. For those of you who don't know, it's a disorder of the inner ear that causes vertigo and effects hearing and balance. The effects can be temporary or permanent. There is no cure. In fact, no one knows what causes it. In my case they are temporary, but can become permanent at any time. I get several attacks every week. There really aren't any support groups where I live and there isn't much online. So I signed up here in the hopes that I can find someone who understands what I'm going through. I do know some ASL. I've been teaching myself for the past two years, but I've still got a ways to go before I'd consider myself a fluent signer. Any questions, just ask!
Hello, my name is Rick. I am still learning ASL and have been dating a great person who is deaf. I am learning by him teaching me and by studying myself but have found out that many of the self help books use wrong hand signs for words. Does anyone know of correct books or places to be able to learn proper ASL as I would love to be able to communicate more with my hands than by typing?
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I have Meniere's disease too.

:wave: :welcome: to AD!!
Hey Val, my name is Candice, I live in North Carolina. I also am a huge fan of SAB! I also suffer from Meniere's, my attacks are thankfully sporadic and temporary. Though they do seem to come on at the most inopportune times. I started having them in middle school, but wasn't diagnosed until I was 24. I've not met anyone else personally who suffers from Meniere's. That's one thing I like about Katie LeClerc who plays Daphne on SAB, she has Meniere's.

Well I hope to hear back from you!!

my Skype ID is nicktasticcandi1

Hello, my name is Rick. I am still learning ASL and have been dating a great person who is deaf. I am learning by him teaching me and by studying myself but have found out that many of the self help books use wrong hand signs for words. Does anyone know of correct books or places to be able to learn proper ASL as I would love to be able to communicate more with my hands than by typing?

That is why it is not good to learn how to sign ASL from a book or from the computer. It is better to go to the ASL class at hearing society or community college or anywhere where there is available for a Deaf teacher to teach hearing students how to sign properly. You would be insulting the Deaf people at a Deaf events if you sign the wrong hand signs. The Deaf teacher will correct your signs and you will be able to sign fluently. If you can not afford to attend the Deaf class, then that is tough. :(
:wave: :welcome: to AD!!
Hey Val, my name is Candice, I live in North Carolina. I also am a huge fan of SAB! I also suffer from Meniere's, my attacks are thankfully sporadic and temporary. Though they do seem to come on at the most inopportune times. I started having them in middle school, but wasn't diagnosed until I was 24. I've not met anyone else personally who suffers from Meniere's. That's one thing I like about Katie LeClerc who plays Daphne on SAB, she has Meniere's.

Well I hope to hear back from you!!

my Skype ID is nicktasticcandi1


:wave:...welcome aboard!...and Mocksville is really a nice town...a lot of members suffer from Meniere' you can get a lot of information.
There is a place on this area to skype to each other to help you learn. Have fun reading and posting.
Hello all, I am Daniel and I am new here. I have recently join this community to get in touch with the latest information and make discussion on issues related to different topics.
You should probably create your own introductory thread. :)
Hey guys! Thanks so much for all the warm welcomes and supportive messages! Hope everyone's summer is going well!
I know this is a bit late, but I found out that is pretty accurate and awesome. I learned most of my signing from my ex who was a CODA, and both her parents were deaf ( of course at least one was! =P ) When I REALLY started losing my hearing, my family wanted to learn some ASL. I was referred by someone on here actually to ASLPRO and sure enough I checked it out and the signs are dead on to what I was taught. I definitely say go give them a look. =)