MVP = Mobile Video Phone

Chevy57 and nathan both works for Purple Connections Inc (HOVRS) and they are not with Sorenson, why are you accusing them. YOu are just being impatient. And I work for VP Communications.
Chevy57 and nathan both works for Purple Connections Inc (HOVRS) and they are not with Sorenson, why are you accusing them. YOu are just being impatient. And I work for VP Communications.

Not Purple Connections, inc.

Purple Communications, Inc. is correct!
Damn, my spelling error. I meant, Communications!
chevy57 you works for HOVRS for what? tell people become purple member telling to call on soresnson 200vp score $$$ you get hovrs paycheck and no mvp? crapppp

lookie here
5: What’s Up With HOVRS’ MVP? « The Countdown To The Resurrection

more popcorns :nutkick::buttsex::3some::giggle:

Nathan and Chevy57 are outreach representatives. you suppose to use on VP200 to call any hearing people or demo for confirmation. Lots of unconfirmed customers never contact HOVRS customer care or never use video interpreters. We need to work with them for being confirmation.
Chevy57 and nathan both works for Purple Connections Inc (HOVRS) and they are not with Sorenson, why are you accusing them. YOu are just being impatient. And I work for VP Communications.

two years!!! it possible the Dec 31 deadline by fcc postpone 3 month that more wait for you!!!!! youre purple people will walk off no mvp ready
two years!!! it possible the Dec 31 deadline by fcc postpone 3 month that more wait for you!!!!! youre purple people will walk off no mvp ready

Well, they currently work to test MVP to make prefect work. If getting it early, FCC will sue our company if MVP may be fault. Be patient to get it early next year.
two years!!! it possible the Dec 31 deadline by fcc postpone 3 month that more wait for you!!!!! youre purple people will walk off no mvp ready

and risk the hustice from the FCC, no way. Let them make sure everything goes well. You are just being impatient, like I said. phuck MVP if you don't want it. Get over it!
two years!!! it possible the Dec 31 deadline by fcc postpone 3 month that more wait for you!!!!! youre purple people will walk off no mvp ready

To tell you the truth, our company is ready, our purple number is ready. MVP is ready but testing by the Alpha and the Beta team. we are already certified by the FCC. We had to wait because other company is not ready with the 10 digit number like your company Soreson for example. MVP will be available sooner than you think.
To tell you the truth, our company is ready, our purple number is ready. MVP is ready but testing by the Alpha and the Beta team. we are already certified by the FCC. We had to wait because other company is not ready with the 10 digit number like your company Soreson for example. MVP will be available sooner than you think.

I agree that ! your good job!
To tell you the truth, our company is ready, our purple number is ready. MVP is ready but testing by the Alpha and the Beta team. we are already certified by the FCC. We had to wait because other company is not ready with the 10 digit number like your company Soreson for example. MVP will be available sooner than you think.

sorenson alreadly rolled out 10 digital nubmer since august you shock will soon :shock: horvrs have two year to perfect mvp where was you? viable vpad better
qwerty123, I have three different 10-digit numbers for Sorenson, Purple, and Viable now. but they are not ready to activate service till Dec. 31. Don't complain to Purple (hovrs) about 10-digital number and MVP. All ADers alreadys know about it and take patient to get MVP. Nathan and I work hard to do it for confirmation.
Jclarke isn't thinking right today --- lame.

Sorry, Chevy57
Jclarke isn't thinking right today --- lame.

Sorry, Chevy57

I agree your apologize. You can write out "Purple Communications, Inc." in 100 times to repeat on blackboard. :giggle:
[Mod's Edit - Previous Quote removed]

Indeed! I agree about sorenson tried to make FCC to delay the due, and oh also... i would like to mention that Sorenson providing crappy 800 number for 10 digits, seriously thats disgust me already because alot of hearing people wouldnt pick up phone if they see "free toll number" calling, though. no offense =)

Im lookin forward for MVP to get ready to launch.
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Indeed! I agree about sorenson tried to make FCC to delay the due, and oh also... i would like to mention that Sorenson providing crappy 800 number for 10 digits, seriously thats disgust me already because alot of hearing people wouldnt pick up phone if they see "free toll number" calling, though. no offense =)

Im lookin forward for MVP to get ready to launch.


Are you sure about those crappy.. do you know what the different between 800/toll number and the 10 digits? Again; They are propose to make FCC pond pose due MVP delay release? No...

The "Purple" to make whole thing pond post to met FCC requirement while other VRS provider have to met the requirement... Due.. non-fair... Sorenson only ask about the proxy issue; that it.. nothing with other VRS's device that current use are not looking for conflict. If so that conflict; then the VRS provider can get trouble for that and will not running that fund from FCC.

Reason; MVP isn't going to release all once... it will take time like 100 to 200 per two weeks of each PST, MST, CST, EST...

Whenever you see that you are on hold and waiting for next call for VRS/interpreter.... Their holding screen is product from Sorenson...

The caller will display on whatever it say? No... It isn't going ready until the neutral system released to allow all VRS provided link this stuff. For example; if you moved or change the caller name like "====___take me___===="; Purple will forced to show proper name on our account as user name what it should and display on another device of video phone. It will do same thing to other VRS who provided 10 digits number.

I don't support Purple number and already cancel -- due the display show me on VP and doesn't appericate with their fake ip address.. Guess what.. HOVRS is using PROXY!!!! while Sorenson doesn't leave you dead end with fake Proxy while Sorenson left actually public IP Address and able return to SVRS to make that missed call on list.

HOVRS left us that fake ip address, again it Proxy and it doesn't lead us to HOVRS... just "dialing" I do not like that... Of course, I did ask one of technical or customer care that couldn't comment and say it not their VRS... I trace that IP Address of proxy that go to Purple... as Go America

Again; HOVRS call us and gave us 2 seconds before I can answer and it gone.. I have remote with me around until I see that phone number "993035046546873216810687" that is HOVRS and I answer soon as possible and it display of AIM privacy screen and final see HOVRS and interpreter isn't prepare for that...

Yes HOVRS did ask from our feedback and again...

Compare with those VRS provider not like PURPLE... I sorta of not comfortable with Purple.

If Sorenson Complaint to FCC; give us a source of link....
We have right to negative.

Otherwise, I like HOVRS on iChat. I don't need MVP if I have laptop. Good enough.
We have right to negative.

Otherwise, I like HOVRS on iChat. I don't need MVP if I have laptop. Good enough.

I understand that PowerON. We have the right to negative, but open mind and freedom speech? There are some rules in here. [Mod's Edit - naming names is a no-no; thus why the comment is removed]
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I understand that PowerON. We have the right to negative, but open mind and freedom speech? There are some rules in here. [Mod's Edit - Naming names is a no-no, thus why the comment is removed]

Did he abuse you? ha
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