Moving to the Deaf side


New Member
Feb 21, 2014
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Been prowling around alldeaf and other forums for over a year now. But today I am done being silent. I am done with fake acceptance, lowered expectations, done with ignorance. I am choosing love over fear.

So, :wave:
Introduction, right. I'm from Oregon. I'm pursuing a career in graphic design. I love to roller skate. Got Hearing aids in 2010. I have severe bilateral congenital mixed hearing 'loss'. My dad is deaf, grandma was very Hoh, cousin is deaf, uncle is single-sided deaf. We are all one big crazy family. I grew up in a culture independent of mainstream hearing and of mainstream deaf culture. So it has been interesting living on my own learning about both cultures. I am a very visual learner/ communicator and am determined to continue learning American Sign Language. Excited to make some new connections or read/comment and post stories etc on alldeaf.